Page 35 of Code Name: Cayman

“Please fill Ares in on what you’ve just told me. There’s another matter I need to see to.” I rushed out and took the stairs two at a time. Walking through the bedroom door, I was relieved to see Bexli and Delfino lying on the bed, talking. “Am I interrupting?”

“Not at all.” Delfino stood. “I’ll be downstairs if you need me.”

Bexli thanked her, then looked up at me when I sat on the bed’s edge.

“How are you feeling?” I asked.

“Like I could sleep for days.”

“You should do. Best thing for you.”

“What happens next, Cay?”

“I’m not entirely certain. I need to ask. Are you opposed to returning to Shere regardless of the location, or would you be open to returning to Trace Manor?” It felt odd to call it that. I’d only ever referred to it as “my parents’ place.”

She hesitated.

“If you aren’t, we can make other arrangements,” I assured her.

“What does that mean?”

“We will relocate the command center.”

“What about me?”

Bexli was one of the few people who knew exactly what I did for a living. Even my parents didn’t know as much as she did. I reached over and took her hand. “I promised I would stay with you, or go, as it were. Until you decide you no longer need me, where I am, you will be too. Or vice versa.”

“I’m not certain.”

“You have time to think it over. In the meantime, there’s something else I want to talk to you about.”


“What do you know about Xavier Vella?”

She took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “Only that he and Nonna were kind to me.” Her eyes scrunched. “There were a few things I found odd, though.”

“What exactly?”

“I asked to make a call, but he wouldn’t let me. Then I asked if his intention was to let Moretti’s guards take me back to the villa. He said he wouldn’t let that happen. When I asked why he wouldn’t let me use a phone, he said they had to make sure the lines were secure. The other thing was, I asked if he knew what his aunt had done to me, and he said she had no choice.”

I agreed with her. The man’s behavior was odd, particularly for an “assistant special emissary.”

“How much longer do we need to stay here?” she asked.

“There are a few matters to be taken care of. However, they can be finalized without me needing to stay on.”

“You said you were tracking Moretti. What did you mean?” she asked.

“Shortly after your escape, Moretti left as well. It is our belief that he traveled to the main island. We do not think he’s still on Gozo.”

“Where do you think he is?”


“I’m cold,” she said, burrowing under the covers I tucked around her. “Do you need to leave again?”

I smiled down at her. “I do not.”