Page 20 of Code Name: Cayman

Being careful not to touch anything, I walked into the lavatory. I used the light from my mobile to take a closer look but didn’t see hair or any other sign it had been used. In fact, it looked as though it may have recently been wiped down.

I stepped back into the room when Zep and Mag arrived.

“What went on in here?” Mag asked.

“Not sure yet, but collect as much as you can. Utensils, glasses, anything and everything that looks like it could be tested for DNA.”

My gut told me Bexli had been here, but where was she now, and what was her condition?

Doing my best to stay out of the way, I walked back over to the bed and knelt down by the pillow that lay on the floor. I held the light close to it and leaned in, wishing I would catch Bexli’s familiar scent and equally hoping I wouldn’t. I was about to stand when two things caught my eye. First, a hair. It was in the edge of the pillow’s case.

“Zep,” I said, motioning him over. When I pointed to it, he used tweezers to add it to an evidence bag.

“It’s red, Cay,” he said, holding the clear bag up to the light.

“Get it tested.”

“Roger that. Do we have Bex’s DNA on file?” he asked.

“Affirmative.” Had she asked me prior to doing it, I would have advised against submitting her information to the service that performed DNA tests. However, now I thanked God she’d gone ahead with it on her own.

“Look under the bed,” I said, pointing at the second thing that had caught my eye—a syringe.

He put on a fresh pair of gloves, reached in, and added it to a bag like he had the hair.

“Dust it for prints.”

“Roger that,” he repeated.

“Come look at this,” said Poseidon. He was crouched near the table.

I knelt down next to him.

“Thisisblood, and that hair isn’t red.”

Magnet used tweezers to pick up the hair sample and placed it in an evidence bag. “Not sure I can do anything with the blood. It looks to be at least a couple of hours old.”

“Copy that.”

“What’s this for?” Zep said, picking up a handheld remote. When he pressed one of the buttons, the door’s lock clicked. He raised a brow. “Got any theories, Cayman?”

My gut told me I was standing where she’d been held captive. I was certain of it.

Also, she was who the thugs we saw leaving the property were searching for. If only the NRO hadn’t had the interruption while scrambling the villa’s security systems, we’d know for certain.

“No sign of Mithras,” Z reported through the comms. “Oleander and Verity are questioning some of the staff now.”

“Copy that,” I responded. “Tank, any update?”

“Negative, sir. We’re still on ’em.”

“I’m on my way. We’re widening the search on our own. I strongly believe it’s Bexli they’re looking for. Proceed with extreme caution if it appears they’ve found her before I’ve arrived.”

“Roger that, sir.”

“Where are you, Bex?”I mumbled as we drove out the gate and to the beach.

“Cay, are you—”