Page 29 of Code Name: Cayman

Perhaps sensing my plan, Xavier stepped in front of me when I tried to race around him. He put his arm around my waist and held me when I struggled to get by.

“Let me go!” I screeched.

“I can’t, Bexli. It isn’t safe.”

I stopped struggling and looked over my shoulder at him. “How do you know my name?”



We’d been at the restaurant a few minutes and, so far, hadn’t seen anyone matching the description the guard gave of the nurse. An older woman was going in and out of what I assumed was the kitchen while a younger man took our order. Both stole surreptitious glances at the four of us. We’d arrived shortly after it opened. Poseidon and Delfino played the role of one couple, while Oleander and I played another.

“According to the Dopler device, there are two people above us but in different rooms,” O whispered, looking at the unit she held beneath the table.

The man returned and delivered our drinks.

“Perhaps we could get a recommendation for a place to have dinner later,” I said, looking between Poseidon and Delfino.

When she looked up at him and, I assumed, reiterated what I’d just said, he responded in Maltese. Once he left the dining area, though, Oleander said she was certain he’d understood me. She took another look at the radar device. “It appears someone is headed up a staircase near the rear of the building.” She waited for a couple of seconds. There are now three people gathered together directly above us.”

“I cannot wait another minute. IknowBexli is here. I can’t explain why. I just do.” I pushed the chair back and stood. “Cover us,” I said to Oleander and Delfino when Poseidon stood as well.

I burst through the door we’d seen the two people go in and out of, confirming it led to a kitchen. The only person immediately visible was the woman. When I drew my gun and pointed it at her, she dropped the spoon she held and raised her hands.

Delfino approached her, putting her finger in front of her mouth, indicating the woman should remain silent.

Poseidon pointed to the back door I’d already spotted. We rounded a corner, found the stairs leading to the second floor, and crept up them.

Once we reached the top, I rounded another corner and nearly sobbed with joy when I came face-to-face with Bexli.

“Release her, or I’ll shoot!” I shouted at the man who’d taken our order and now had his arm around her waist.

“Cayman!” Bexli gasped. “Don’t shoot! It’s okay.” She looked over her shoulder. “Xavier, let me go.”

When the man hesitated, I retrained my eye on him via the sights.“Let her go!”I shouted.

Poseidon took a step around me, his gun aimed at the woman who stood slightly behind the man. “Step around. Keep your hands where I can see them. Raise them high in the air and walk toward me.” When her eyes scrunched, he spoke to her in Maltese. This time, she did as he demanded.

The man, however, still had his arm around Bexli’s waist.

“Who are these men?” I heard him ask her.

“It’s Cayman. It’s who I wanted to call earlier. Remember? I asked if I could make a call?”

His eyes bored into mine, and he nodded once. “You are certain?”

“Yes, Xavier. Let me go before either of us gets hurt.”

He released his hold and raised his hands in the air. I lowered my gun as Bexli ran into my arms.

“You found me!” she cried as we embraced.

“Get her out of here,” said Oleander, walking up behind us with her gun trained on the woman. Poseidon had moved to the man and was restraining him.

“Wait!” said Bexli as I led her to the stairs. She looked over her shoulder at him. “Thank you, Xavier.”

Like before, he nodded once but didn’t speak.