Page 18 of Code Name: Cayman

When with her at work, I was supposed to stay hidden and out of the way, but Winston caught me when I sneaked away to use the loo.

“I know you from school,” he’d said. “Your name…”

“Bexli,” I’d whispered, looking over my shoulder and his to make sure no one else saw me.

“It’s a very unusual name,” he’d commented. “I’m Winston.”

“And you say my name is unusual?”

“Winston isn’t. I’m named for the prime minister.”

“Well, la-di-da for you.”

When he smiled, I ducked into the lavatory. He was still waiting in the hallway when I came out.

“What are you doing here, Bexli?”

“I’m with my mum,” I told him, wishing he’d keep his voice down so she didn’t find out I’d been discovered. “I have to get back.”

When I went in the direction of the kitchen, Winston followed.

“Go away,” I whispered over my shoulder. “I’ll be scolded if my mum sees you.”

“Why will you be scolded if she seesme?”

“I’m not supposed to be here. She’ll get sacked if the owners find out.”

“The owners? You mean my mum and dad?”

I nodded, and Winston shook his head.

“They won’t care you’re here, and they certainly wouldn’t sack your mother for it.”

“What’s this?” my mum whisper-shrieked, dragging me away from him by my arm and smacking the side of my head. “I told you not to leave the kitchen.”

“Wait!” Winston shouted, racing over to get between my mum and me. “Don’t yell at her. It was my fault. She just had to use the loo. I waylaid her. I’m Winston Trace.”

My mum looked at his outstretched hand as though it were a three-headed snake about to strike her.

“Come,” she said to me. “I’ve work to do.”

“Winston?” I heard a man’s voice call.

“In here, Father!” he responded.

My mum made a sound deep in her throat I’d learned to recognize. Something very bad was about to happen.

“Ah, Mrs. Fowler, yes?” the man said to her.

“Sir,” she mumbled, curtsying and nudging me to do the same.

“And who is this?” he asked.

“Bexli. She and I attend school together,” Winston told him.

“How lovely.” He turned to me. “Welcome, Bexli.” He held his hand out to me like his son had to my mum.

I heard her quick intake of breath when I shook it.