Page 57 of Code Name: Ares

“Thanks, although it’s a hollow victory. While Varilla said Luisa Reeve is on the container ship traveling from Altamira to Felixstowe, we have no proof beyond his word. Which is, of course, worthless.”

“Plausible in that he knew the name of the ship and you were able to confirm its departure as well as destination.”

“True enough.”

“The flight to England departs at fifteen hundred, yes?”

“That’s right. There will be an entire crew on that plane.”

“I’m in the midst of listening to your guys interrogate Jacov. They’re quite good.”

“I’ll let you get back to it.”



“Was there anything else?”

He hesitated. “Figured I should update you.”

“It’s appreciated. I’ll do the same once we’re finished. Oh, and Wren and Wilder are questioning the cousin presently.”

“Bye, Nem.”

Something seemed off with Ares, not that I had enough experience working with him to guess what it might be. Other than lack of sleep, of course, and the disappointment over not being certain whether Ms. Reeve was still alive and being transported to the UK.

LJ gave up a name,read the text I received from Wren.Mithras.The name sounded familiar, but not enough that I could place it.

That was quick,I responded before relaying the message to Atticus and Blackjack.

“Looks like you’re too late,” said the latter, looking at his mobile even though I’d spoken through the comms. “Lazar’s deal is in place. In exchange for a full testimony, naming you as the go-between with Mitskovski, he’ll receive a greatly reduced sentence.”

While I would’ve gotten a wrist slap for fabricating facts in the way Blackjack was, he was not a citizen of the UK, nor was he officially employed by SIS. His interrogation, today, was considered a professional courtesy bestowed on the UN rather than the US.

“You’re a fucking liar,” spat Jacov. “I want a goddamn lawyer.”

Since Jacov was done talking, at least for now, my mind drifted, as it did with alarming regularity, to the kiss Ares and I had shared. Was I being stupidly romantic in thinking it had precipitated his call? Had it spelled a change in our relationship, or once he returned to Shere, would we pretend it had never happened?

I waited a few minutes to see if Blackjack had any more tricks up his sleeve to rattle Jacov. When it didn’t appear he did, I went to check on how Wren and Wilder were getting on with his cousin. As I approached the interrogation room, the two were exiting it into the corridor.

“Taking a break?” I asked.

Wren shook her head. “We’re finished. At least for now.”

Wilder smiled, put his arm around his wife, pulled her close, and kissed her temple. “My wife is such a badass.”

“She is that.”

From the corner of my eye, I saw Wren flinch, then rub her back. “Everything okay?”

“Yes. Fine. Just not sleeping as well as I do when we’re in Bedfordshire. Or even Shere.”

I raised a brow.

“The cottage we’re in is so peaceful.”

My eyes met Wilder’s. Wren never complained about anything. As seemingly insignificant as this seemed, it was so unlike her.