Page 74 of Wise

Those big hands of his land on my shoulders. My breath becomes a soft sigh and the comb gets thrown down on the counter. Conner’s million dollar hands can pull off awe inspiring athletic feats and now they knead my shoulders with mild, pleasant pressure. Within seconds the remnants of today’s tension drains away and my spine melts into the hard wall of his chest. My head drops back, fitting neatly beneath his chin.

Yet I never shut my eyes. I watch his every move in the mirror, just as he watches mine.

Conner sweeps my hair aside and his strong fingers massage just a little harder. An erotic heat buzzes through every nerve, tingling the most sensitive corners.

I exhale with a shudder, barely capable of remaining still. My pulse hammers and the ache between my legs is sharp enough to steal my sanity. I need him so fucking badly I’m almost panting.

Conner drops his hands to my waist, briefly squeezing my hips before those capable fingers find the knot in the belt. He swiftly pulls it apart at the same instant he allows his towel to fall.

The robe drops with a shiver, a cool puddle at my feet.

But Conner has managed to claim a souvenir. The long satin belt hangs from one hand. With his other hand he seizes both my wrists and locks them together.

I narrow my eyes at his reflection. “What are you up to?”

Silly question. I canfeelwhat he’s up to. The full length of his cock presses into my lower back.

His muscled arms cage me more tightly. A smile dances at the corners of his lips.

“Hush, honey. Good manners are over. It’s playtime.”

A battle rages in my head as he swiftly binds my wrists together. It’s not in my nature to be submissive. Yet I’d willingly crawl over broken glass to have him any way I can.

The grin he flashes in the mirror is unlike his usual smile. There’s victory and also a devious quality, the glint in his eye a memo that this isn’t going to be quick.

Good. I don’t want it to be quick.

He spots an object on the counter and snatches it up. I can’t stop him with my hands tied.

Conner examines the thing and shakes it next to his ear. He grins. “Birth control pills, right?”

“Nosy.” My attempt to snatch them out of his grip is in vain.

He laughs, tosses the pill case back on the counter and slings me over his shoulder as if I were a pillow. I barely have time to notice the way the room spins and the light changes before I’m flying through the air, then landing on my back in the middle of my king sized bed.

Conner doesn’t give me time to adjust. He sweeps the pillows to the floor like they’ve offended him, seizes my bound wrists and ties the robe cord to a metal bar in the center of my headboard.

“Don’t pull,” he warns when I follow my instincts and try to break free. “You’ll get bruised.” His knees become an iron vice on either side of my hips. Looming over me like a stallion, he drags a thumb over my lips. “And I can’t let that happen.” His thumb keeps moving, past my chin, a tickle at the hollow of my throat, between my breasts and lower, playing at the edge of my pussy.

He’s so close to where I need him to be that a groan rolls from my throat and my belly tightens. He grazes my clit and my eyes roll back in my head.

His low chuckle is an insult. “Do you need a safe word?”

My eyes flip open and I glare up at him. “No. I’ll just bite you.”

His eyes brighten. Then he removes his hand from my pussy, a punishment. I try to buck my hips and get nowhere.

Conner, meanwhile, takes an interest in our surroundings. “Do you have any toys? Never mind, I’ll just explore on my own.”

He has no difficulty keeping me pinned between his knees. My attempts to squirm free of the belt securing my wrists are useless. He knows how to tie a solid knot.

I stop squirming because it’s not doing any good anyway. “Will I be tied up the whole time we’re fucking?”

“Maybe.” With one hand he makes a racket rummaging through my nightstand. “I haven’t decided yet.”

I’d sort of like to see the look on his face if I kneed him in the balls. Too bad I can’t move my legs right now because he’s sitting on them.

Anyway, who am I kidding?