In response, a new kind of passion ignites and burns somewhere deep.
A place inside of me that no one has ever reached before.
A place that’s now reserved solely for her.
I’m building sandcastles with Lita and I don’t want to leave. Our purple bathing suits are identical and I dislike the attached ruffled skirt but this was the deal I made. I got to pick the color. She got to choose the style.
Our small fingers work together, patting mounds of damp sand into shape as a storm sky swirls above us and threatens to ruin the day’s fun. A seagull wails overhead and sorrow fills my chest because somehow I understand this to be a signal.
It’s time to leave.
Before my sister’s face dissolves into mist she pushes her pale hair from her face and gives me a sad smile. Her lips move but I can’t hear any sound. It’s only when the beach fades to black that the dream words spoken by my twin echo in my ears.
“Please don’t take my sister away.”
My eyes flip open and I can still hear the beach. But beyond that is the hard thump of a bass, the music of the club. The sensation of wind sifting through my hair was real but its fingers are not invisible.
They belong to Conner Wiseman.
His hand moves in slow, soothing strokes. I shiver when his thumb grazes the back of my neck. He hasn’t moved an inch since I laid my head down on the pillow in his lap. Everything about our current position is sweet and yet still sensual. I’m having trouble forcing myself to move.
“You’re awake.” He tickles my neck.
I roll to my back and see only the shape of his head in the darkness. “What time is it?”
“Shit.” I vault to my feet and stumble to the light switch. My eyeballs wince at the bright intrusion. “I didn’t mean to be unconscious for half the night.”
Conner tosses the pillow aside and shoots me a lazy grin. He’s unreasonably sexy in a white tee shirt with dark jeans. “I got to be unconscious with you for a while.”
“You can sleep sitting up?”
“Yup. Just like a bat.”
“Bats don’t sleep sitting up. They hang upside down.”
“Interesting.” He turns off the sound app that made me dream of a childhood vacation on Coronado Island. “I wonder what else you can teach me.”
My gaze flicks to his big hands, now resting casually on his muscled thighs. He takes up a lot of space. His broad-chested hard body is carved of muscle and power.
And I’m weak enough to feel a little dazed and dizzy at the idea of being conquered by all that raw dominance.
Conner Wiseman’s effect on me is magnetic. Unavoidable. Intensely physical. I can’t escape the overwhelming temptation and I don’t want to escape.
I just want him.
From the way his eyes brighten as he studies me, it’s clear he’s skilled at translating the hunger on my face.
But instead of belting out a raunchy remark, all he does is scrub a hand through his hair. “Let’s order some food.”
“You want to order food right now?”
“Yeah, I’m hungry enough to eat a cat. What have you got around here?”