Page 160 of Wise

“Haven.” Gently, I gather her in my arms. “Baby, look at me please.”

Haven’s long lashes flutter at the sound of my voice. Her face is an unhealthy shade.

Micah checks the pulse at her neck and grimaces. “She needs to get to the hospital.” He sees a set of car keys on the floor and dives for them. “These hers?”

“Yup. Let’s get the fuck out of here.” I kiss Haven’s lips. “Stay awake, sweetheart. You need to stay awake.”

Greco has awakened to chaos and pathetically slithers out on his belly. Jared is busy bleeding out on the floor. Talon continues to scream in the closet.

One of the snakes squeezes through the door crack and searches for another victim. The thing slithers in Jared’s direction.

Sophie sits on the couch and wails. Her mouth is missing teeth and her nose is pulverized. Blood drips between the fingers she holds to her face.

“What about that?” Gage says.

“Shit, let the snakes have her,” Micah argues.

Can’t say I disagree.

“Tempting,” Gage grunts but he lifts the fucking traitor in his arms anyway.

Sophie perks up. “Are you Conner’s brother?” Blood keeps dripping from her ruined face. “You’re so strong.”

Micah is already out the door, Haven’s keys in his hand.

“Don’t wait for me,” Gage says. “Just go.”

No need to tell me again.

As I step out into the sunlight I press my lips to Haven’s forehead. Her skin is clammy. “You’ll be fine, honey. You’ll be just fine. Hold on. Please hold on.”

She opens her eyes, just for a second. Her head rolls on my shoulder and her voice is weak. “Conner, are you real? I thought I’d never see you again.”

“I’m here.” I hear Micah start the car engine. Despair rips me to shreds on the inside. I can’t let her know. “The monsters are gone, baby. We killed them. You’re safe.”

My love. My queen. My whole world.

“I love you more than anything, Haven.”

But she doesn’t hear that.

She’s already drifted away in my arms.



The points of fire on my body are the first things to greet me when I leave my dreams. On my chest there’s the blistered burn from the searing metal. My swollen wrist aches from being cuffed. Deep scratches scar my fingers. And on my left arm and my belly, there’s the lingering prickle of multiple snake bites.

I remember the hospital. The doctors speaking in medical jargon about the anti-venom treatment. Lita crying. Conner at my side, pressing a cool cloth to my feverish forehead.

“I love you, Haven. I love you. I love you. I love you...”

Above all, I remember the horrid awareness of my body battling the poison coursing through my blood and threatening to steal me from this world.

That fight was won.

The proof is in the fact that I can recognize the feel of sunlight on my cheek. I know I’m at home, in the bedroom I share with Conner.