Page 156 of Wise

And then, finally, I scream.



Gage’s nature is more calculating than mine.

I’m ready to rush the crumbling walls headfirst and rescue my girl but my cousin grabs me by the collar with a bleak warning.

“Can’t save her if you’re dead.” He insists on parking around the block.

I know he’s right.

A red sports convertible that retails for six figures would be noticeable in most neighborhoods and around here it would raise every single suspicion. There’s no way to tell what waits at the motel but we sure as hell don’t want to give them a heads up to expect us.

Hang on, baby. I’m coming for you.

The image of the destroyed club flashes through my mind and my heart sinks. At the scene, Micah spotted a firefighter he knew from back in the day at the MMA gym and cornered the guy for a quick chat.

Due to all the alcohol on the premises, the club went up in smoke rapidly. There’s no word yet on the cause of the blaze. There was one body found in the parking lot inside a car. Judging by the description, it’s got to be Andrei. No bodies were found inside.

Haven wasn’t in there. A relief. Her phone location hasn’t moved since arriving at the Pearl Street motel.

Gage rolls into a weed-choked lot behind a boarded up gas station. Beyond that, a ten foot high chain link fence stretches across the property line. Thick strands of ivy weave through the fence, obscuring the view of the abandoned motel on the other side. I’m about to scale the fence and run right into the storm but Micah pulls me back and gestures to a gap in the fence behind the empty lot next door. He and Gage both have their weapons drawn.

Micah crouches at the hole where the fence was parted by wire cutters. From this vantage point we have a partial side view of the motel.

“That’s her car.” I point to the nose of the silver Lexus. It’s the only vehicle in sight. That doesn’t mean there aren’t others parked out front. It just means we can’t see them from here.

A shadow stirs in the shade of the building. A man strolls into view. Short and stocky. A holstered gun sits on his hip, nearly blending in with his dark trousers. He pauses to yawn and dig something out of his nose as he looks down the street.

“There would never be just one lookout,” Gage says.

Gage usually knows what he’s talking about. A direct assault would probably mean a full blown shootout in the parking lot. Not a good option when we don’t even know where Haven is. Or what’s happening to her.

I’m getting inside that fucking building, whether anyone is ready or not.

First, I need to make one thing clear to my boys.

I grab a fistful of Micah’s shirt and get right in his face. “Once you asked me to save the girl you love even though it meant leaving you behind. You remember?”

He already knows where I’m going with this. He doesn’t flinch. “I remember, Con.”

“And I did it, Micah. It killed me to leave you but I did it. Not just for Tessie but for you. Because I knew her life was what you cared about more than anything. That’s why you need to listen to me right now. If you see the chance to save Haven then you take it. If you have to make a choice then you choose her. Got it?”

Micah blows out a breath. “Yeah, I got it.”

I look to Gage. “I’m talking to you too.”

“Understood.” He nods.

“Stay here for a minute,” I say to my cousins. “I’m gonna go make a friend.”

Gage sputters but he has no chance to interfere before I dive through the hole in the fence and start casually walking toward the man who seems kind of bored with his security duties.

“Hey!” I wave my arms in the air to make it look like I’m just a harmless idiot. “You there!”

He pivots and nervously grabs for his gun but then his hand drops.