Page 148 of Wise

“We’re coming with you,” Micah says.

“Can’t stop us,” Gage adds. “You carrying?” he asks Micah.

Micah scowls. “No, I’m not you for fuck’s sake.”

Gage shrugs. “Doesn’t matter. I’ve got spares in the car.”

“Argue about it on the way to the east side.” I jingle my keys. “I’m driving.”

Gage snatches my keys away. “No, I’ll drive. You keep trying to get in touch with Haven somehow.”

My only hesitation is that I don’t want to leave Lita and Robert. But Gage swears they’ll be safe here with his men. I have to trust him. I don’t exactly have a lot of options right now.

Gage gives last minute instructions to his team. “Stand guard outside. Nobody gets in here.”

He has no doubt his orders will be followed because he’s Gage fucking Silvestro and people tend to do what he says.

Lita has been watching us as she tries to comfort her sobbing brother. Her eyes lift to mine. Her chin quivers and a tear slides down her cheek.

This is all too much for Lita. Her father is dead. Her brother just survived a murder attempt. And nobody has heard from her twin sister.

“Bring her home,” Lita begs. “Please bring her back home to me, Conner.”

“I will, Lita. I promise.”

It’s a vow uttered with utter conviction.

Because the alternative is unthinkable.

I’m already dashing out the door. Micah and Gage run to catch up. Gage argues that his car is the fastest and I can’t really deny that a luxury sports car can speed past a pickup truck any day.

I smack his arm. “You just better drive fast or so help me I’ll toss you out of the fucking driver’s seat and take the wheel myself.”

He nods with no argument and revs the engine.

There are no new calls, no new messages. With my heart in my throat and wordless prayers running through my mind, I refresh the Here I Am app and grit my teeth, willing it tell me what I need to know.

Finally, I catch a break. The app stutters and refreshes at last. Twenty minutes ago Haven traveled a distance of a little over a mile. She went from the club over to a building on Pearl Street. According to the app, she has not moved.

I don’t know what it means but I don’t fucking like it.

“What’s on Pearl Street?” I ask Micah, since he’s more familiar with the east side. “That’s where she is.”

“Nothing special,” he replies from the backseat. “A few crappy bars, some even crappier apartments. Lots of empty buildings covered in shitty graffiti. Let me see on the map.”

I pass the phone to him.

“Huh. I could swear that place is an old motel. Been closed for years.”

That news definitely doesn’t sit well with me. There’s never a good reason to go to an abandoned motel and not answer your phone.

Micah reads my mind. “She’s tough, Con. And far from stupid.”

I know that. But Haven is also the woman I love. And until I’m holding her again I won’t forgive myself for letting her out of my sight.

Gage accelerates on the freeway. I have no complaints over the way he expertly weaves around other vehicles and pushes way over the speed limit. It doesn’t take long for the dense maze of the east side to loom ahead like a medieval metropolis. In the middle of that complicated tangle of dim streets, a funnel of smoke stretches to the sky.

“Two more exits,” Gage says.