Page 8 of Wise

“That one was defective,” I grumble. With care, I remove the diaper that wasn’t working out and grab another one.

“Why are you guys taking so long with the best man?” Dani has now entered the room, hands propped on her hips.

Gage rakes his eyes slowly over his wife, stunning in her maid of honor gown, before answering. “The quarterback apparently requires some lessons in child care.”

I object to that. “Dorothy Ann, give your husband a snack or something so he quits whining.” This time when I fasten the diaper it appears to hold. “Dash and I understand each other. He has faith in me. Right, buddy?”

Naturally, Dash can’t answer. He’s only seven months old. But he flashes a toothless grin and flails his arms around.

I’ll take that as a vote of confidence. I scoop him up into the crook of my arm and he gurgles happily.

I freaking love this kid.

How could I not? He’s the cutest damn thing on the planet and his parents are two of my favorite people.

“You forgot to dress him,” points out Gage, always so helpful.

“Shit.” I look around for Dash’s wedding outfit.

Dani crosses the room, her arms already out. “Here, I’ll get him all fixed up.”

She doesn’t wait for me to consent before stealing the baby away. Her face has already turned to maternal mush and her voice changes to that of a high pitched cartoon character as she squawks out something like, “Aw, our boy is the very best little baby, isn’t he, oh yes, double yes he is, the very best baby.”

Dash squeals with delight and seizes a handful of her long brown hair.

I switch my gaze to Gage to see if he’s smirking. He isn’t. He looks positively awed at the sight of his wife fussing over the baby.

My grouchy cousin isn’t one to overshare personal details but I know they are trying for a baby of their own. When the time comes, I have complete faith they will both be excellent parents.

It’s quite a trip, seeing both my boys in love and settled down. These days I’m kind of feeling like a late bloomer when surrounded by all this family bliss.

As Dani sets the kid down on the changing table, makinggoo goonoises all the while, Gage swoops in to help snap up Dash’s little wedding suit. I’m not really needed here at the moment and anyway I need to go find a sink to wash my hands.

This area of the huge Palace Hotel now looks like a ray of sunshine exploded indoors with sunflowers and ribbons practically dripping from the walls. Yellow is Tess’s favorite color and she allowed Micah’s wacky mother to take over most of the wedding plans. Matilda doesn’t know how to get through the day without being extra.

I can see my aunt now, all the way at the other end of the corridor. She’s gesturing wildly and I can’t hear anything she says but her lips are spitting out rapid fire words to the poor club employee who looks like he’s searching for an escape hatch.

She dismisses him and he bolts into the ballroom. Matilda huffs and checks the condition of her dress, which is sparkly and white. I remember hearing somewhere that it’s a rotten idea for anyone other than the bride to wear white but good taste is not really a priority in our family and no one loves being the center of attention more than my aunt.

Speaking of aunts, Gage’s mother Alta is already strutting around with a champagne glass in her hand and hostility stamped on her pinched face. She’s allergic to good moods. Now she slinks right up to Matilda and says something that makes Matilda redden and snap back.

I swear, one of these days I expect to find those two locked in a hair pulling brawl and smacking the shit out of each other. Maybe it would be good for them. Like therapy.

Together, my aunts run Yellow Brick Properties, the billion dollar family business. I’ve got no idea how anything gets done over in that downtown eyesore of a glass building. The two of them agree on absolutely nothing and they each tend to think the other is the antichrist. Meetings must be loads of fun.

My grandmother was really the glue that held her daughters together. Cecile’s been gone for over a year now. She was a spitfire who never shied away from brutal honesty. The last time we spoke I wrote down what she said so I wouldn’t forget her words later. I do tend to forget things sometimes.

“Conner, you always see the best in people. In that way you’re far smarter than the rest of us. And kinder. But while you’re busy looking out for everyone else don’t forget to seize your own happiness. I know you’ll find it. Once you do, sweet boy, don’t let it go.”

Damn, I miss that lady.

How she would have loved to be here for Micah’s wedding day.

But if Cecile is here in spirit then I bet she’s pissed that her two oldest daughters can’t even pretend to play nice for two minutes.

“This is a vintage Valentino,” Matilda huffs.

Alta sniffs. “It’s an etiquette travesty. Has no one informed you that this isn’tyourwedding day?”