Page 7 of Wise

And it doesn’t fucking matter.

Conner forgot me once.

It won’t take him long to forget again.

He never really wanted me anyway.


A story like ours could never be simple.

No, this will be the messiest one of all…



This is some serious pressure.

Way more intense than being followed by the eyes of the world as eighty thousand fans howl in the stands.

Yup, that’s much easier than changing the diaper of a squirming baby.

“You’re fucking this up.” Gage has a way of growling out his words.

Now I feel the need to prove him wrong.

After all, if I can successfully fire a sixty yard Hail Mary pass into the end zone, then surely I’m talented enough to slap a diaper on my cousin’s kid.

I swat Gage away when he muscles too close. “Knock it off.”

“I’m just trying to save you from humiliating yourself in front of an infant.”

I block him again. “Kind of cute the way you’re getting all these delusions of grandeur and thinking you have a prayer of moving me.”

He scowls as only Gage can scowl. “It’s backwards, you jackass.”

I peer down at my handiwork. “No it’s not.”

“The hell it’s not. You also failed to secure one of the adhesive tabs.”

“Who the fuck died and made you the diaper whisperer?”

He rolls his eyes. “I know how to do this. Dani and I babysit for him all the time.”

“Like I don’t babysit for him too. The kid lives in a bedroom down the hall.”

“Then you have no excuse for your inferior skills.”

I turn my attention back to the baby. “This guy’s just trash talking, Dash. He knows we have a special bond.”

His full name is Dashiell Ethan Conner Gage Lyonne. Quite a mouthful for such a little guy and someday he’ll want an explanation. We never call him anything but Dash. The thick thatch of dark hair on his head was inherited from his mother. He also has Tess’s big, serious brown eyes. But the deeply skeptical look on his little face as he stares up at me is something I’ve seen a thousand times from his daddy.

That look has got a‘What the hell have you done now, jackass?’shine to it. Classic.

Micah’s son hiccups. His diaper comes apart.

Gage snorts out a laugh.