Page 159 of Wise

But while we were all distracted, Sophie located a gun that was lying on a filthy sofa. She pauses with the gun in her hand and looks over her shoulder, right at me. She smiles.

I’ve stared into the face of madness before.

The site of a healed bullet wound chafes below my right hip.


The same energy is here in the room.

Sophie bends at the waist and peers into Haven’s eyes as Haven fights to keep them open. “I wonder how long it will take her to die.”

I’m one breath away from launching a full scale assault when I see movement from Micah.

He raises his arm. The one without a hand. The one that can’t hold a gun.

Micah makes the sign of a cross, which makes no sense because Micah isn’t even slightly religious.

Haven notices him and they lock eyes.

He’s sending a message to her.

You still have one free hand. Use it and use it now.

Sophie giggles, having the time of her life. But she lets the arm holding the gun go slack at her side.

Haven sees an opening and takes it.

Though her free arm is swollen with snakebites, she’s strong enough to seize a fistful of Sophie’s hair. She slams Sophie’s head into the metal pipe with enough force to make bones crunch.

Sophie screams. “YOU BITCH!”

Blood spurts everywhere. The snakes go berserk.

“FUCK!” Jared wildly fires the gun. A bullet whizzes past my head.

Gage takes Jared’s kneecaps out with two rapid shots. Micah moves in and kicks the gun right out of his hand.

A snake finds Greco’s big belly and sinks its teeth into the prize. The man jerks awake. Now he’s screaming too.

But the last motherfucker in the room?

He’s all mine.

Talon is still dazed and can’t even aim his gun properly before I charge like a bull, driving him into the wall so hard it cracks.

He might be tough. I’m tougher. And he will die SCREAMING for what he did to my girl.

Using my shoulder, I slam into him again. He releases a satisfying cry of pain as the force of the hit breaks the wall. Pieces of sheetrock rain down on his head. To the left, an empty closet yawns open. The snakes are going wild inside their container.

And I have an idea.

Since I’m good at picking up men and throwing them like a bag of bricks, I haul Talon off his feet, take a couple of steps in the direction of the closet, and hurl him into the dark depths. He lands in a groaning heap but I’m far from finished.

I kick the entire container of snakes at his head and then bang the door shut. There’s a lock on the outside. How convenient. I flick the bolt closed.

The screaming begins immediately.

Micah is already trying to free Haven while Gage makes sure no one gets up for a final scare. With one strong arm, Micah bends the pipe Haven is cuffed to. He slips the cuff free but she doesn’t seem to notice. She’s fading fast.