Page 124 of Wise

Micah doesn’t smile. Guess I should improve my jokes. His intense blue eyes can be a little unnerving sometimes when he stares in silence.

“You think I ought to build a shed in the corner?” I point to an empty spot in the yard. “One of those sheds that looks like a barn. Or maybe I’ll take up tennis. Not a contact sport so it should be fine. You might be seeing me at Wimbledon.”

Micah still doesn’t crack a smile. “I know it hurts, Con. No point in pretending it doesn’t.”

Sure, it hurts. I’m at the peak of my skills and I have to walk away. Micah understands better than anyone. His MMA career was just taking off when he lost his hand.

Yet as I sneak a look at my dream girl, sitting there with a smile on her face, I know I’ll do anything to keep it there.

I’ll do anything to keepher.

“Football is a game, Micah. That’s all it will ever be. We know what really matters.”

“Damn right we do.” He finally cracks a grin.

Micah decides to take pity on Gage after all and rescue him. I guess he figures since Matilda is his mother she’s partly his responsibility. Either that, or he wants to give me a minute alone with Haven when he sees her brush the grass off her jeans and walk this way.

“Any headaches?” She bends down and peers into my eyes, searching for concussion evidence.

“I’m fine.” In fact, I’m looking down her shirt. The view is awesome. “Kiss me.”

She smirks and pecks my cheek.

I’m outraged. “What the fuck was that?”

“Shh.” Her mouth lingers close to my ear, teasing me with her ticklish breath. “You know how hard it is for us to stop once we get started.”

I know it’shard. I definitely know that.

Haven sweetly presses her lips to my forehead. “I’ll get you some lemonade. And I’ll bring out the sandwiches. You should eat something.”

I’m not going to argue because it’s extremely adorable, seeing her become all domestic and shit.

But before she goes, I reach out to squeeze the back of her thigh. “Later.”

I say it like a promise. An obscenity.

It’s both.

Her lip curls into a knowing smile. She can guess what I’ve got in mind.

Hope she’s ready to get used rough.

Also hope she knows that she will absolutely fucking be my wife.



Haven wants to make sure Lita is settled and comfortable before coming to bed so I’ve been waiting atop the covers and enjoying dirty thoughts.

For a little while I was naked.

Then it dawned on me that Haven and I aren’t the only people in the house and there was a possibility that Lita might poke her head through the door. I wouldn’t want to give her nightmares about my dick so I’ve thrown my boxers back on.

Finally, Haven slides into the room and swiftly shuts the door behind her. She’s casually gorgeous in a green and white tank top and a pair of loose nylon shorts. Her feet are bare. Her long hair hangs down her back and no makeup obstructs her natural beauty.

My heart thuds.