Page 118 of Wise

I know all about shitty legacies. I know about the useless pain of watching helplessly as someone you love suffers. I know about the evil humans can do.

But I refuse to believe in curses.

Futures are not set in stone.

“I can hold him,” Lita tells Micah. “I mean, if your arms are getting tired.”

There is zero chance that Micah’s thickly muscled arms are weary of holding his baby son. But he hands the sleeping Dash over willingly, nestling him with care in Lita’s waiting arms. Tess tucks a yellow receiving blanket around the baby and my sister’s face takes on a soft glow. Just like when she used to hold our baby brother.

Dani’s phone keeps blowing up. Apparently Matilda expects updates every five minutes. Dani finally gets annoyed enough to turn the phone off and bury it in her purse.

It’s been over an hour and there’s been no new information. Tess tries to call Conner’s father again but it’s likely he’s already on a plane.

Tess, never one to sit idly and wait for something to happen, paces and huffs and finally pulls me out of my chair. “Come on.”

“Are we storming the security doors? If so, count me in.”

“Maybe.” With her free hand she grabs Dani. Then she remembers that we’re leaving some members of our party behind. She zeroes in on Micah and Gage, who were talking quietly but are now giving us baffled looks. “You guys stay here, okay? We have a better chance of success on our own. Besides, you need to keep Lita company.”

She’s not exactly giving them room to argue.

Gage crosses his arms. “Man, your wife enjoys giving orders.”

Micah smirks. “Think of it as a mandatory suggestion.” But the look he gives Tess is full of pride.

After dragging me and Dani across the room, Tess pauses to take stock of the staff milling around behind the reception desk.

“Okay, I have an idea.” She starts wiggling her wedding ring off her finger.

She and Dani must be a hundred percent in tune with each other because Dani gasps and says, “Brilliant. But use mine. Your hands are too small.”

I have no idea what they are talking about. The next thing I know, Dani is pushing a ruby ring on the fourth finger of my left hand. The instant she’s finished, Tess seizes my wrist.

“Go along with everything I say,” she hisses.


“Everything I say,” she repeats, then stops a young nurse wearing pink scrubs the same color as the frame of her eyeglasses. “Hi, can you help us please?”

The woman straightens up, suddenly eager, like she was hoping to run into someone who would ask that very question. She adjusts her glasses. “Yes, what can I do?” Her eyes shift to me, no doubt looking for evidence that I’m injured or having an appendicitis attack.

I try to appear distressed, at least until I know what Tess has in mind.

Tess pulls me closer to the nurse and keeps her voice hushed. “Wereallyneed to get in to see Conner Wiseman.”

A frown displaces the friendly look. “That won’t be possible.”

“Oh, please help us. This is his WIFE!”

I look at Dani. She nods her encouragement to indicate I’m the ‘wife’ in question.

“His wife?” The woman’s eyes bug out.

“Yes. Shhh.” Tess furtively looks around like she’s sharing state secrets. “The news hasn’t been made public yet. But look.” She holds my hand under the woman’s nose.

The large ruby in the center of the ring glitters under the overhead lights.

I try to look wifely. “We were only married two days ago.”