Page 100 of Brave

Charlotte giggles and sits up. “Tess, I didn’t know you were coming over. Sorry I didn’t send you a Total picture yesterday. I had so much homework. I’ll send you two today.”

“Please do. I look forward to my daily Total pics.”

Total, meanwhile, is wiggling and squirming with so much enthusiasm he nearly topples right off the edge of the bed. Dani averts disaster, grabbing him up, kissing his furry head and handing him over to Charlotte.

“Char, I think Total needs a pee break before he has an accident.”

Charlotte wastes no time running out of the room with her pet. “Come with us, Tess. I’ll show you how Total learned to roll over.”

Cecile appears to have dozed off in the space of a minute. Her head lolls to the side and she breathes through her mouth.

Before leaving the room, I go to her side and peck her lightly on the cheek. “Goodbye,” I whisper, just in case it really is the last time I’ll see her.

Dani’s smile is wistful and sad. She pats the place above her heart.

Love you, friend.

I do the same.

Charlotte has already beaten me down the stairs and out the back door to the vast grassy yard. She holds a handful of dog biscuits and tries to tempt Total to cooperate.

Charlotte pleads with him to roll over.

He wags his tail and pants.

“Good dog,” she says and gives him a biscuit anyway.

While I’m watching the two of them, I get the eerie sense that someone else is watching me.

Turning, I find Gage has silently stepped out on the back patio.

I know he’s not likely to say a word unless I do. “I’m sorry, Gage. She doesn’t look good.”

He lowers his head. Cecile is his grandmother too. “I know.”

“Is she in pain?”

“She says she’s not.” He shrugs and rakes a hand through his thick black hair.

There were always rumors about his father. He was a depraved man who did unspeakable things. Dani has admitted the rumors are all true. Even as a child, I was aware that Christos Silvestro was someone to stay away from. It’s unnerving how closely Gage resembles him; tall and strong with the same classic Italian looks. His pale eyes, however, are thanks to his mother.

“I’m sure your mother’s upset about Cecile. How’s she holding up?”

One dark eyebrow peaks. “Alta’s not the sentimental type. These days she spends most of her time downtown at the office, arguing with Matilda over who’s really in charge.”

“Sometimes it helps to throw yourself into work.”

He peers at Charlotte and her dog running through the grass. “Sounds like you really know what you’re talking about, Tess.”

It’s rare that Gage and I have a real conversation. I always end up feeling slightly off balance when we do. “Point taken.”

Yes, I tend to hide myself away in work. I also wonder what Micah has told him about our fight.

Gage examines me, likely guessing my thoughts. “How is the mayor’s office?”

It’s not the time to talk about my harrowing day and anyway, Gage wouldn’t be among my top choices to confide in. “This has been a busy time for all of us.”

Gage coughs out a disgusted noise. “Right. Busy. Let’s hope themayorstays so busy he forgets how to play the dirty old man.”