Page 97 of Brave

“Right.” He nods but I doubt he has a clue who I’m talking about.

I resist the urge to roll my eyes. “As the City Council rep for the east side, he has a list of urgent issues that need attention. However, his most immediate concern is the number of schools in his district that either have severe mold issues or are one structural defect away from being condemned. He’s begging for help. I assured him we would do whatever it takes.”

My father rubs his chin. “Remind me what the voter margin was on the east side.”

I bite my lip so I don’t scream. “It barely tipped to Carrington but that doesn’t matter. You are the mayor to everyone in the city, whether they voted for you or not.”

The fact that I need to say this out loud is disturbing.

Today isn’t the first time I’ve become uneasy over the fact that my father, so used to the easy job of overseeing wealthy West Emerald, is completely unprepared to manage a complex, sprawling urban center.

What’s more, he doesn’t seem interested in learning.

“Speaking of Carrington,” he says with a loud clearing of his throat, “the campaign is over. Rivalries should be put to rest. Larson Carrington and I met for drinks last night. You know he’s an important name in this town. It was decided that we would all benefit from having a member of his team on board. There’s a lot we can collaborate on.”

A terrible suspicion begins to form. On the heels of the unexpected encounter with Pierce Carrington, it’s too much of a coincidence.

“Dad, it’s fine if you want to have some level of cooperation with Larson Carrington. He’s very influential and also involved in a lot of charity work. However, I don’t believe it’s a necessary gesture to hire one of his underlings.”

Stuart Ballerini is already waving my words away. “I can decide what is and is not necessary. Larson’s brother Pierce has a lot of experience, not to mention vital networking contacts. He’ll be an outstanding addition around here.”

My stomach tightens and my cheeks are hot. “I willnotwork with Pierce Carrington.”

He sits up taller and exhales loudly. “That is the wrong attitude. It’s always wise to cultivate new allies and-”

“Dad, he scares me.”

I just blurted the words without thinking. But now they are out there and I’ll need to explain them.

My father’s brow furrows. He knows that’s not an accusation I would make lightly. He’ll want the full story. When I share it, he’ll be outraged. What father wouldn’t be? I’ll have to hold him back from charging downstairs to personally tackle Pierce Carrington.

While he waits in stunned silence, I’m piecing the words together in my head. I should have told him already. Of course I will leave out Micah’s involvement, although he would likely be pleased to know that Pierce’s crime didn’t go unpunished.

However, I don’t get a chance to explain anything at all.

In a moment when I’m struggling to find the right way to explain how I narrowly escaped the clutches of his new apprentice, my father leans back in his chair and eyes me with a critical glare.

“Tess, when you’re in a position holding this much responsibility, there is no quality more important than self-control. You can’t allow yourself to get carried away by emotion. And you can never let anyone know that they have a prayer of getting the better of you. I didn’t just raise a daughter. I raised a warrior. You remember that.”

Satisfied with his advice, he picks up a pen and jots down some notes on a legal pad. Perhaps he’s recording his own words of wisdom so they can be reused another time.

He’s not going to ask me why I’m frightened of Pierce Carrington.

He doesn’t even want to know.

As far as hisself-controlnonsense, he seems to abandon the concept whenever he feels like unzipping his fly for a pretty reporter.

The truth has always been right in front of me.

Stuart Ballerini is a complete fucking hypocrite and Micah was right about him.

Micah was also right about me.

I’m a grown woman who has not been brave enough to break free from my father’s control.

I sacrifice the things I want for the thingshewants.

I don’t take risks. I can’t tolerate the idea of losing.