Page 83 of Brave

I feel the need to point something out. “She’s not dead yet.”

Matilda ignores me and keeps chewing out every word like she’s performing Shakespeare in the Park. “My mother has marched through the years with quiet grace even when the years were challenging…”

“Jesus Christ,” says Alta to no one in particular. Sometimes Alta gets it right.

“But she wouldn’t want those she loved best to be unhappy. Just look at all we have to be grateful for. Henley, my true love, forever steadfast and devoted at my side. My darling Charlotte and my sweet Dani are the daughters of my dreams. And then there’s my son Micah, who was lost to us for so long. He has now returned to the family fold, bringing with him a wonderful girl that any mother would be overjoyed to welcome to the family.”

I can almost hear Tess cringing in her chair. I hope Matilda is finished auditioning for whatever role she’s playing in her head.

But nope, we’re not done.

“And while I’m standing before you, let’s all share a silent moment together as we think of the election, only a week away, and wish our neighbor Stuart Ballerini all the success he deserves. We are so fortunate that the man who will be the mayor of the greatest city on earth is a close personal friend.”

Tess’s asshole father isn’t here tonight. Matilda asked her to invite him and she agreed. Then she didn’t do it, which is cool with me. Tess’s relationship with her dad has been a little strained the last few weeks. I’m sure it doesn’t help that lately she spends a whole lot of nights at my place.

For my part, I avoid the guy. He does his best to try and set me off so the only way around that is to keep my distance.

Tess breathes out a soft sigh. My hand goes to her leg. Just because I’m sure she’d be better off without Stuart Ballerini breathing down her neck doesn’t mean I need to broadcast this thought all the time. I would give a lot to see the look on the bastard’s face once the election is over and Tess tells him she’s quitting the political world. My guess is he’ll shit a brick. Hope he hemorrhages when he does.

Matilda’s moment of silence last only three seconds. Then she’s off and running on another monologue about some new Yellow Brick project. Like we all give two shits about an office building right after Cecile shares the news that she’s dying.

“Micah.” Matilda enunciates my name like she’s a teacher who has caught me slacking.

“Still here.”

She gives me a broad smile. Alarm bells clang inside my head.

“I was going to speak to you after dinner but there’s no reason to wait. We have a junior project manager position opening up. It’s a fantastic opportunity for you to get to know the business and you’ll be able to work your way up to management in no time.”

My mother completes her speech and keeps her smile, which now contains a pinch of victory. Matilda carried on like an enraptured lunatic when she heard Tess and I are together. Even said something about her prayers coming true. She thinks I’ve already become so fucking domesticated that I’ll throw on a suit and chain myself to a desk for the next forty years. She is out of her artificially blonde head.

“You will start in two weeks,” she says, a queen handing out decrees. “Which means you’ll have time to give notice to your, ah,gym.”

She says ‘gym’ like someone else might say ‘brothel’. Or ‘shithouse’.

“That’s great news.” Henley practically applauds. Because he’s a fucking idiot.

Dani, very familiar with Matilda’s manipulative tactics, tenses on her husband’s lap as she meets my eye, waiting to see what I’ll do. She doesn’t need to wait long.

Tess touches my hand. At least she won’t be surprised by my instant decision.

“You can go ahead and give someone else that opportunity. I’ve got other plans.”

“Plans?” Matilda blinks. “I’m sure they can be rearranged, Micah.”

“Afraid not. I’ve been invited to participate in a Las Vegas tour. Some fights but mostly it’s a skills exhibition. I leave in two weeks and I’ll be there through the holidays.”

“You didn’t tell me that.” Tess is staring at me now. She’s definitely startled, and maybe a little pissed.


I keep my voice low because my next words are not for anyone else at the table. “I just got the offer today. I was going to tell you later.”

She nods but her lips flatten into a worried line.

Now I wish I’d kept my mouth shut and let Matilda carry on with her nonsense. Tess will think I’m bailing on her and that was never my intent. Of course I want her to come with me. She’ll be finished with all this election garbage by then. We’ll have a hell of a good time bashing around in Vegas until the new year.

But this isn’t the place for an in depth discussion.