Page 157 of Brave

The thought of my baby sister suffering through the pain of yet another family catastrophe makes me want to put my fist through a wall.

But I can’t do that because I don’t exactly have an extra fist to spare at the moment.

The thought produces a snort of badly timed laughter. Tess widens her eyes in astonishment. Which turns to concern. She places her palm on my forehead, like I might be running a fever.

“I don’t think Charlotte knows yet,” Gage says. “You can be sure that Dani will say nothing until she has to.”

My eyes stray to the wall clock above Gage’s head. Two hours are already gone. And the clock just keeps ticking.

“No word from Conner?” I asked this ten minutes ago.

“Not yet,” Gage replies.

I know how badly he’d like to give me a different answer.

Tess smothers a yawn. She’s exhausted. This night has been excruciating for her and it’s far from over. My gut clenches every time I spot the agony in her eyes.

I won’t insult her by telling Gage to take her home. She would never agree.

Instead, I pull her onto the bed with me. There’s not much room, but then again she’s not very big.

Tess drapes a careful arm across my bare chest. The soft warmth of her body is a reminder that I’m still here, still capable of feeling. My dick even stirs as she exhales a gentle sigh.

Gage decides to bow out of this tender scene. “I’m gonna go hunt down some coffee and make a couple of calls. You need anything?”

I could use my hand back, for starters.

“No.” I tickle the back of Tess’s neck. “What about you?”

She doesn’t hear me. She’s fallen asleep for now.

Gage dims the lights a little on his way out.

I stare at the clock until my eyelids grow heavy. The physical pain is no fun but it’s not the worst I’ve ever suffered. Initially I refused the offers of painkillers, only relenting when Tess got upset. Then I swallowed a couple of pills just so she’d breathe a little easier.

A nurse stops by to check my vitals. She’s brisk as she goes about her task but allows a sad smile to touch her lips when she looks at Tess cuddled up next to me. I shake my head when she offers more painkillers.

At least Elijah didn’t really have an emergency. He was astounded when the cops showed up at his door. He had no idea why Sean Halligan would orchestrate something so sadistic.

I don’t think he did. Halligan is no mastermind.

Right now I might call Elijah if I knew where the hell my phone was but I don’t.

Man, I’m just losing all kinds of shit today.

Phones. Hands. What’s next?

Tess stiffens and unleashes a small yelp in her sleep. I rub her back and murmur in her ear until she relaxes.

The wall clock keeps ticking.

I’m expecting another nurse when the door opens but Haven Marchenko is definitely not a nurse. She peers at us while two husky male shadows hover at her back.

“Back off,” she tells them. “I’m going in alone.”

Haven doesn’t wait to be invited. She walks right up to the foot of my bed and takes in the sights.

I keep my one good arm curled around Tess. “You’ll have to excuse me if I don’t wave.”