Page 131 of Brave

Ignoring my mother, I set my gaze on the mayor. “Care to slither down off your perch for a chat, Stu?”

His eyes narrow for a split second before he remembers to hide his emotions. “I’d be glad to talk with you, Micah. Call my office and we’ll set something up.”

“Nah, that’s not gonna work for me.”

Josh Ballerini, looking uneasy, motions to the staff at the back of the room. “We’re good here, guys. Give us a minute.”

The security guards exit and the doors shut behind them.

Matilda has finally caught on that something is awry. Her head whips back and forth like she’s watching a tennis match. “What’s this about?”

“Ask your pal over there. The mayor knows why I’m here.”

Frowning, she focuses on Ballerini. “Stuart?”

Ballerini is already in damage control mode. He gestures with his hands. “There seems to be a little bit of a misunderstanding.”

I bark out a laugh at that shit. “There’s no fucking misunderstanding. You threw Tess out of the house and threatened to wreck her life.”

Matilda is still bewildered. “No, that doesn’t sound right.”

“It’s not right, but it’s fucking accurate. I won’t get into what a lying sack of horseshit he is and how he shouldn’t be in charge of anything larger than a dog kennel, but the way he’s treated Tess is downright sadistic.” I hop up to the stage. “You sure fucked up, asshole. Your daughter is the most amazing person. She’s got all the integrity you never had.” I smack my own chest. “You see me, don’t you? Make no mistake, I’ve got her back. We all do. I figured someone ought to tell you where things stand so there’s no confusion.”

He's no longer bothering to smile. “For Tess’s entire life she was focused and motivated. Until she got mixed up with you.”

“Eat a bag of dicks. She’s not yours to kick around anymore. Get used to it.”

He puffs up his chest. “I suppose you’re congratulating yourself for turning her into a liability in record time.” He steps closer while I stay rooted to the spot. “Do I see you? Yeah, I see you, Micah Lyonne. Born with a silver spoon in your mouth and yet you’re just a rotten punk who gives nothing but grief to everyone around you.”

“Stuart.” Matilda gets in the middle and flashes an icy smile. “Something seems to be wrong with the acoustics in here. I’m sure I didn’t hear you imply thatmyson is not good enough foryourdaughter. And if I did hear that, then I’m certain you will waste no time correcting your error.”

Matilda isn’t the CEO of a multi billion dollar company for no reason. My mother is completely at home among the Em City elite and she is formidable.

Right now Matilda has decided that our family honor is on the line and she bristles accordingly.

Stuart Ballerini wavers. Visibly. He even appears to lose a couple of inches in height.

His eyes skim past Matilda and drift over me before taking in the sight of Conner and Gage staring stonily back at him.

He cannot afford to make enemies of us all and he knows it.

Even his own brother is regarding him with obvious unhappiness.

Matilda sees this too and her smile turns victorious. “Tess is a lovely young woman and we are allthrilledto see the kids so happy together, aren’t we?”

Ballerini works his jaw, scratches his neck.

“Aren’t we?”Matilda insists.

Score one for Matilda. She’s daring him to disagree. And if he does, she’ll take her considerable influence and her big fat checkbook elsewhere.

My mother decides she’s made her point even if the mayor won’t answer.

“Boys,” she says as her heels click down the stage stairs. “We’ll be leaving now.”

She motions that we ought to fall in behind her like obedient ducklings.

No, I’ve got one more thing to say to Stuart Ballerini before I’m done with him.