Page 110 of Brave

He presses one forefinger to the opposite wrist and breathes heavily. “Could you get me a glass of water? I just need to take one of my pills.”

I roll my eyes. “Get a glass of water yourself. Better yet, just call Dr. Spigato and ask him to ferry one over here. He’s probably not busy, considering he’s been dead for four years.”

His hands fall to his sides. “You seem to be going off the deep end, Tess. Get control of yourself.”

“Come off it, Dad. Do I really need to spell this out? You sensed that I was finding my own way and would no longer be controllable. So you hired some shithead to pose as your doctor and invented a serious medical condition so that I would feel obligated to stay. You don’t care what I want. You never have.”

Picking up a tray of cut veggies, I head for the door, pausing to look up at my father.

“By the way, keep your filthy ideas away from my best friend or I’ll give Gage the green light to kick you in the balls.”

A mic drop moment if ever there was one.

The effect is dimmed a little when I collide with Uncle Josh’s chest on my way out of the kitchen.

“Whoa.” He rescues the tray before it suffers a fatality. “What’s going on in here? Sounded like you were arguing.”

I snatch the tray back. “Did you know?”

“About what?”

I take a look around to see if anyone’s in earshot because I’d rather not broadcast our family melodrama. “He faked his health emergency. He hired an imposter to pretend to be a doctor. He lied to me in order to keep me in line. Did you know that, Uncle Josh?”

My uncle pales. He throws a look to his brother and then drags his eyes back to me. “Tess, I promise that I have no idea what this is all about but let’s all go home and have a talk.”

“Too late for that.” I push him aside.

I’m not sure I’ve ever felt so triumphant and so crappy at the same time. Finally, I’ve stood up to my father in a meaningful way. I just wish it hadn’t come to this. I’m not going to be able to forgive him anytime soon.

As I move to the back door I’m struck with a powerful sense of déjà vu. Ethan Lyonne’s funeral is the first one I clearly remember attending. I was too young to have any memory of my mother’s funeral.

The weather is warm today. Nearly all of Cecile’s mourners are milling around in the backyard, amid white tables topped with red rose centerpieces. Cecile’s favorite flower.

Micah and his cousins are back. No matter how many people surround him he’ll always stand out. He’s serious today in a white shirt and a loose tie. So handsome that the sight of him makes my legs weak.

Conner and Gage are talking to some neighbors but Micah sits alone, perched on the edge of one of the poolside chairs. Charlotte runs over to him. His head is down and he listens as Charlotte chatters right beside his ear. After a thoughtful moment he nods and she opens her arms to hug her big brother, who gently pats her back in return. Charlotte runs off with Total hot on her heels but Micah stays put, lost in thought, not even looking up.

Out of the corner of my eye I see the Ballerini men return to the backyard. I was hoping they’d just leave. Josh throws me a curious glance but my father is back in mayor mode. He drifts over to a quartet of men, one of them recognizable as the owner of a huge hotel chain.

Dani watches me place the veggie tray on a table covered with refreshments that few people seem to be eating. She understands my moods better than anyone. A perk that comes from all the years we were roommates.

“You okay?” she asks.

“Don’t worry about me.” I look around and spot Alta. Gage’s mother has been staying on the sidelines. She’s startled when Charlotte tackles her with a hug. Alta has the temperament of a shark. Yet she doesn’t have the heart to push a little girl away. Her mouth even curves to an expression that could be called a smile.

“Where’s Matilda?” I ask Dani. “I haven’t seen her since we returned from the cemetery.”

“She had a headache. I persuaded her to go lie down with a promise that I would deal with the guests.”

“Is she all right?”

Dani sighs. “Matilda and Cecile had a complicated relationship. They never did get along. But Matilda feels the loss. I know she does.”

I hook my arm through my best friend’s. “Do you need anything? I know how much you loved Cecile.”

Dani holds back her tears with a sniff. “I did love her. And she loved me. Cecile had a way of knowing what I needed and making sure I got it. There’s a reason why I call her my irritable but endearing fairy godmother. It’s going to take time to sink in that she’s really gone.”

My eyes search for Micah again. He hasn’t moved. From now on, wherever I am and whatever I’m doing I’ll always hungrily look for Micah.