Page 71 of Brave

Nope, I don’t play that game. Call it a caveman quality but if she’s out with me, she’s not paying for a goddamn thing.

She rolls her eyes but holds onto my arm as we’re leaving. “Isn’t Haven’s club around here?”

“About three blocks away.”

“Let’s go.”

“To a strip club?”



“I’ve never been to one.” She squeezes my arm. “Please? I’m in an adventurous mood.”

Damn, she’s a fucking treasure.



Haven’s club is busier than usual. It’s Amateur Night, when anyone with an inkling to slide down a stripper pole can go make a fool out of themselves. Not shocking that there’s no shortage of takers.

Andrei, who’s as tough as a wild boar and kind of looks like one too, gives me a nod of acknowledgement and lets us through without paying a cover charge.

I keep my arm around Tess and feel the need to explain why I’m so well known at a place that features naked tits. “I work security here sometimes.”

She nods. “I heard.”

“What else have you heard?”

“That you’re a gentleman.”

Don’t know about that. Since we left the diner I’ve been thinking about all the ways I’d like to dominate her sexy ass until she begs for a break.

The regular dancers are working the room, collecting tips and trying to rev up cheers for those brave enough to take the stage. A blonde named Rena, pissed that I’ve never accepted her offers of a private lap dance, pokes her lip out when she sees Tess tucked under my arm.

Too fucking bad. My arm stays where it is.

It’s looking like we’ll need to stand around and hope some seats open up at the bar. Tess wants a beer so I procure a couple of those and when I turn around I see her hugging Haven.

Haven Marchenko strikes me about as huggable as your average python, but there’s something close to a smile on her face as she peers down at Tess. I get a more muted greeting, just a cool nod.

“Follow me. You guys can sit at one of the reserved tables.”

Haven leads us to the VIP seating area that’s raised a little higher for a good view of the stage. Right now a drunk soccer mom type in pink yoga pants and a glitter tank top is making herself dizzy on the pole, rolling around and round with her bare feet planted on the floor. She looks ridiculous but she’s shrieking with laughter so I guess she’s having a good time.

Andrei calls Haven away to deal with some club business and I get a kick out of watching Tess get comfortable, peeling off her Puritan cardigan and untucking her blouse. She takes a long swallow of her beer and looks around with bright interest.

The music is loud but not too loud to be heard.

I tap Tess’s hand. “Haven didn’t seem shocked to see us together.”

She smirks. “She overheard my confession during a visit to Lita.”

It’s always a knife in the gut to remember Lita Marchenko sits day after day in a sterile room, staring at nothing while the rest of us keep moving through life.

Tess abruptly stands. “Hold my beer.”