Page 27 of Brave

I make a supreme effort not to dry heave.

I’m happy for the two of them. Sincerely happy. Dani and Gage have earned their happiness after a lot of years of grief and separation. These days they’re in the throes of newlywed bliss.

Good for them.

That’s what they should be doing; rolling around in bed together every chance they get. I just don’t want to hear the bullet points. Dani and I aren’t blood related but she’s my sister in every way that counts. No guy is entertained by the thought of his sister getting railed. It’s just never going to be okay.

“Christ, Gage. Why the hell did you answer in that case?”

He loudly exhales with irritation. “Because you never call on a Saturday afternoon. I thought something was wrong.”

“Just go back to what you were doing and give me a ring later.”

Too late. It sounds like he’s up and walking around. A door squeaks open and then snaps shut. “You’ve already interrupted us. And I know you. This is not a call to shoot the shit.”

“All right. I’m in need of your skills to get some intel on a guy. Has to stay between us.”

He doesn’t hesitate. “Sure.”

There are a few beats of silence when I tell him who I’m looking for. He knows better than to ask why. If I wanted him to know that’s what I would have led with.

“Give me forty-eight hours,” Gage says. “I’ll get you details on where he sleeps, who he fucks and what keeps him busy after dark.”

“Thanks, man.”

“You need backup?”

This is what I love about the guy. With nothing more than my word, Gage would rush headlong into the fray before he even knows the reason.

That’s some serious loyalty.

I’d do the same for him. Anytime, anywhere. Brothers forever.

Wicked West Rejects.

Conner gave us that name. It was eons ago, back when the three of us assumed our fucked up teenage lives couldn’t get any worse.

We were wrong.

Life had a whole lot more sick shit in the pipeline.

I assure Gage that I’ve got the backup situation covered. Then I tell him to get back to his marital bed before Dani gets pissed. He replies that he’ll be in touch real soon.

Back inside the gym, Halligan has recovered and he’s sulking, sitting on a pile of mats in the corner with his right eye half swollen shut. There’s a grudging quality to the nod he tips in my direction.

I return his nod and move along. Rubbing salt in the wound has never been my style. Besides, I need him at his best if he’s going to be any use as a sparring partner.

The walk to my apartment only takes five minutes from the gym, which is why I never bother to drag my dumpster of a car along. As I cross at the intersection my head takes an automatic turn to the left.

No one would mistake Lucky Lou’s for a classy bar. It’s a typical east side dive with sticky floors, bad tempered service and a collection of sad sack regulars. But the drink prices are right and it’s a good temporary destination if you plan to just suck back a few shots and be on your way.

Last night I almost skipped out and went home when some of the boys tried to drag me along on a bar crawl. Glad I didn’t follow that urge.

If I had, then I’d never have known the feeling of Tess Ballerini clenching around my cock as she comes so hard she shakes.

I feel no regrets for fucking her.

Last night was a once in a lifetime opportunity. What made it even sweeter was that I hadn’t fucked anyone at all in quite some time.