Page 41 of Rule

“I did.” Slamming the drawer shut, I move to her. She blinks at me like she’s shocked I admitted that.

“But… I mean, you…” She runs her hands through her hair, then straightens her panties, groaning while she tries to fix herself.

“I’m not going to your house. You can’t possibly think I would. I haven’t heard from you in weeks,” she snaps, her eyes going from me to the door as she shakes her head. “What did I just do?”

“You came on my cock, loudly. I hope Jordan doesn’t mind.” I reach for her arm. The mere thought of that arrogant shit makes me grit my teeth.

“Wait.” She jerks her arm away. “We can’t walk out together… I mean, I need to think for a second.”

“Relax, Alex. If you act like nothing is wrong, everyone will believe it.” Looking around the room, I make sure I’m not forgetting anything. Besides my desk being messed up, everything is normal.

“But I’m a mess…” Her voice trails off, and I glance down at her.

Christ, she really does look like she’s been fuckedhard. With her flushed cheeks, red pouty lips, and glowing skin, I almost want to pull out my phone and take a picture of her.

“Alex. It’s okay to like all of it.” Unable to stop my grin, I chuckle as her green eyes flash with anger.

“I don’t… that is… I… I hate it–”

“I’m not going to argue with you,” I say, interrupting her stuttering denial. “Wipe that guilty look off your face. And yes, you’re coming home with me. We’re not done.” My dick twitches at the thought of having her all weekend. Come Monday, I’ll be calm, satisfied, and my life can carry on. Then if she wants to fuck Jordan, she can.

But not yet.

My hand reaches for the door, but her voice stops me. “You get off on this, don’t you? You really think no one will notice or say anything?” She motions to the door.

Turning, I take her hand, putting it on my hard cock. “Does this answer your question?” Her eyes widen as she jerks her hand away as I open the door and step out, holding it for her.

“Don’t forget your backpack.” Her eyes narrow on me, then she spins around to retrieve it.

I wait, nodding at a couple of students who greet me.

“God,” Alex groans. Straightening her shoulders back, she starts to walk out.

“What about my car?” She clears her throat.

Locking my office door, I walk ahead of her.

“You can get it Monday.” I glance around. It’s after regular school hours, so the hallway is not packed, but it’s hardly deserted. She’s right. I should not be doing this. I smile as I smell her scent on me and hear her walking behind me.

This is a dangerous game we’re playing, but fuck, my cock is hard.


What am I doing? I need to walk in the other direction toward my recently repaired Honda, not follow him.

What if someone sees us? Why is he so calm? Most importantly, why would I let him fuck me on his desk?My head screams all these things because my traitorous body just wants more.

Dean Powers is an addiction like no other. I’m reasoning with myself that he seems to want me just as bad. God, I need to have my head examined because I’m tingling. My pussy is swollen and slightly throbbing. I can’t believe I’m actually considering doing this.

“Excuse me, Alex? What the hell?” And it’s like a bucket of cold water has just been thrown in my face. Please God, not Skylar.

“Alex?” Skylar screams, and for a second, I almost bolt. But that would imply guilt, and yes, I may just have had Dean Powers’s cock deep inside me, but she doesn’t need to know that,ever.

Stopping, I turn at last, schooling my face to look confused even though I’m in full panic mode. She speed walks toward me in her pumps. I can’t breathe, my heart races, and suddenly, my mouth is dry.

“What are you doing?” she hisses, and I can sense Brett behind me. Every single cell in my body comes alive at his nearness. It’s taking all I have not to forfeit and hide behind him.

“I asked you a question? Are you creeping on Dean Powers?” Her blue eyes skim over me to focus above my head at him.