Page 38 of Rule

He cocks his head at me. “She’s your sister. How should I know?” He motions for me to enter as everyone walks past us, thanking Jordan for holding the door.

“I told you, we’re not close.” Marching in, I try not to look for him, but my eyes go straight to his table. Then can’t decide if I’m happy he’s not there, or want to cry.

“Whatever. He’s gonna be the head dean. He’d have to do something really badat this point…yeah, I definitely need to get on his team.” Jordan slumps into the seat next to mine as I look around the room.

Breathe, Alex. You can’t faint as soon as he walks in. He’ll know you’re obsessed, and that can’t happen, so sit and look calm.

The side door opens, and he walks in. I rub my lips together as that energy, that weird electrical charge that happens whenever he’s near goes straight to my core. Like a creeper, I stare at him, drink in his physical beauty as he throws his head back to laugh at something a blond woman was saying. My eyes sweep her form. She’s nothing special. Why is he laughing with her?

Jealousy snakes up my spine, wrapping itself around my heart. She goes to a seat where her laptop is already open, and he rolls up his sleeves. And for the first time in my life I feel like someone has just taken a knife and inserted it into my heart.

My eyes stare daggers at the back of the blonde’s head. What the hell? My eyes go to his as he leans casually on the end of the table, making jokes and talking about something that happened in London.

Not once does he glance at me. And I know he knows I’m here. He can feel me. I’m not stupid. Or maybe I am because I thought he would come back and… what? Continue? He’s the dean.

The head dean, soon-to-be boss. He’s being vetted, but knowing all this, I still crave him.Just get through this class, Alex, then go to his office later. I’m so involved in torturing myself about him that I almost scream when Brett says, “See you all Monday.”

“I need to ask Dean Powers a quick question, so you go along.” I don’t wait for Jordan to respond. I need to get to him, but a small circle of mostly women surrounds him.

“I’m late. Make appointments during office hours or email me,” he says, again not looking at me as he exits the room.

Stunned, I almost sink into an empty chair. Instead, I start to walk to my next class. I don’t know why I’m surprised; he didn’t reach out the whole time he was gone. I should leave this alone. What exactly am I going to say?Why didn’t you get ahold of me? Are you fucking Skylar? Why can’t I stop thinking about the way your big dick felt inside me?

Yeah, no. Screw Dean Powers. He wants to ignore me? I’ll do the same.


“So, Jordan. What can I do for you?” I bring the cup of coffee to my lips, my eyes narrowing on him.

“I wanted to see if I could be part of your team?” he says, pushing his glasses up, his whole entitled air about him pissing me off. Not that it’s his fault he’s been given a silver spoon.

“Why?” I rock back in my chair. We’re in the conference room since I had to stop what I was working on in the lab to take this meeting. Jordan’s father is on the board of trustees, an alumnus, and a Hollywood producer. I said I’d meet with his son. I did not agree to let him join my team.

“Well, I’m going to be an engineer…” His voice trails off, and his cheeks flush.

I set my coffee down. “That means nothing to me. I’m going to be honest. My team breathes for this project. Yes, it was my idea.” I point toward the lab area. “But every single one of them deserves as much of the glory as I do. They eat, sleep, live for their work. Is that you?” I know it’s not. Jordan Staple is smart, but he doesn’t have the drive for what I require of my team. That, and he won’t keep his eyes off Alexandrea.

It’s been two weeks since I’ve been back from London. And this dance she and I seem to be playing is about to end.

There’s a reason I don’t deprive myself of things. It will just grow and build until you go off and saturate yourself in it. I’d hoped London would make my craving for her disappear. It didn’t. If anything, I found myself thinking I could fuck Alexandrea here, or she’d like that, or I can’t wait to see her…

Insane shit.

“Well, my father said you would let me…” Jordan’s annoying voice brings me back to the present and the fact that I don’t bow to anyone. I had my meeting, and now I need to go back to work.

“Are you willing to give up all your free time for this project?” I stare at him as his phone vibrates.

“Well, when you say all my free time, what do you mean?” He rubs his hands up and down his legs and reaches for the phone in his pocket. “Let me just turn this off.”

“Josh?” I yell, watching him look down at his phone, a small smile on his lips, as I feel that irrational jealousy flow through me. I don’t even know if it’s her, but the thought of Alex texting him pisses me off.

“Yeah, Dean?” Josh pokes his head in.

“Do you have a girlfriend?” I take a breath because I can’t punch a student. I’ll never hear the end of it from my brother.

“Um, no…” Josh looks at me, then Jordan, confused.

“And are you in a fraternity? Out partying all the time?”