Page 49 of Rule

“Let’s go take a real shower. I’ll rub some CBD oil on you, and we can order Chinese food.” He kisses my earlobe, and I tilt my head back onto his chest and sigh.

“I’d like that.” Smiling up at him, I’m too exhausted to pretend anything but the truth.

After he turns off the water, we silently climb the stairs together. As we enter, a phone rings. My mind instantly goes to Jordan and yesterday.

Filthy, nasty, and fearless.

Poor Jordan. I can only pray he bought my lie that I wasn’t feeling well, though maybe he’ll think I’ve lost my mind. I mean, that’s what I’d think if I had heard me yesterday.

Brett walks over to his kitchen island and glances at his phone before he moves to his refrigerator.

“Here, babe, drink some water and take a couple of Advil.”

He pours me a glass and hands me some pills. Our fingers touch, and I slowly look up into his ocean-blue eyes.

“Thank you.” I smile.

“You’re welcome.” He smiles back, his eyes caressing my face.

“Go take a shower. I need to return some calls.” He pulls back and walks over to his phone.

Trying to steady myself, I take a deep breath. This man makes me dizzy. It’s like I’m in a constant whirl of the unknown, and I never want it to end.


I scroll through a slew of texts, forcing myself to focus enough to actually look at them. My cock and my head seem to want only Alexandrea. Her face, delicious body, sugared lips, and sweet-tasting pussy have taken priority over everything else.

I’m about to toss my phone aside and join her in the shower since most of these texts and missed calls are from Skylar. My jaw clenches as I read the last message, which came in at ten o’clock this morning.

SKYLAR: Can I come over and talk?

It’s followed by a stupid wink emoji.

She’s going to be a problem. Not that I care what she says about me. But I do care how she treats Alexandrea. It’s a headache I don’t need. Skylar knows I’m done, but if I’m not careful, she could become desperate enough to do something all of us will regret. Whatever, I’ll deal with her later. Frowning, I read my mom’s texts.

MOM: Don’t forget, honey.

MOM: It’s 3:00 p.m. Call me.

I press her number, looking out my window as I try not to grin like a fucking teenager at the sound of Alexandrea singing in the shower.


“Hey, Mom, what’s up?” I look over at the clock hanging above my stove.

“Oh, Brett, honey, I was going to have you pick up some of that whiskey you and your dad and brother like, but Jett is bringing it.” She sounds busy, like she’s holding the phone with her shoulder because I can barely hear her.

“Mom, what are you talking about? And I can barely hear you.”

“Oh, wait. Okay, is that better?” Her voice comes in clear.

“Yes, much.” I grin. My mom is one of my favorite people. At sixty-eight, she might be in better shape than me.

“Now, what’s up?” I ask her, hearing the shower turn off.

“What do you mean? Oh, you can put those flowers on the dining room table,” she says to someone. “Are you on your way?”

“Mom, just stop moving and talking to other people and tell me what’s happening.” I roll my neck, hearing it crack.