Page 48 of Rule

My eyes meet his. I smile at the sight of his nostrils flaring and his eyes caressing my ass.

“Farther down.” I squirm until he hisses, “Stop.” Then take a breath as he crouches down, his hand on my lower back.

“Lean up.”

“How’s this?” When I arch up, our eyes lock.

“Yeah, just like that, baby.” Nodding, he stands and moves in front on me. “When I say pop, I want you to use your upper body strength and your core to bring your legs under you. Don’t use your toes.”

“’Kay. Good thing I do yoga.” I grin, loving every second of this.

“You’re also limber and thin.” He walks around me and straightens my body. “I want you to launch forward. Now,pop.” And it’s like my brain is in sync with his as I obey and miraculously get up on my feet.

“Oh my God, I did it,” I shout. Looking at him, I promptly fall off onto the sand.

Brett stands, arms crossed as he watches me. And this time, I do stop breathing. I stop doing anything but stare as my body floods with liquid warmth.

“Good girl.” It’s real, and my insides light up. This man might be dangerous, and I might be in over my head, but having him look at me like this? I never want it to end.

“Again,” he demands. “And this time, plant your feet like this.” He walks to me and grabs my hips. “Look straight ahead. This foot lands here, and this one here.” His hands trail down my legs as I suck in a breath.Does he feel this? Is it just me burning at his touch?

“You feel it?” My eyes zip to his, and I wonder if I just said my thoughts out loud.

“Do you?” Planting his hands back on his hips, he growls into my ear.

“Yes.” I lick my lips, knowing he’s probably talking about my feet placement and balance, but all I can feel is this thick, magnetic pull between us.

“Good. Now lie down.” He steps back as I lower myself. “That’s it, Alex. You’re a natural.”

I smile at his praise.

“Now, pop.” And like before, I swing forward, landing on my feet, but I stay on the board this time.

“This is easy, Dean Powers. What else have you got for me?” I squeal and laugh as he grabs me and lifts me like I’m a weight he’s working out with.

“You might not be thinking that in two hours.” He grins as I wrap my legs around his hips.

My hands lace into his curls. He holds me tight, and his full lips take mine, our tongues touching and tasting enough to make me groan before he pulls away.


Three hours later, I’ve decided that not only is surfing quite possibly the hardest thing I’ve ever attempted, but I want to kill Brett Powers.

“No more.” Exhausted, I drag myself out of the ocean. It’s like my board decided about an hour ago to turn on me and become my enemy.

The ocean, which at first was refreshing, seems determined to make sure I swallow enough so if I don’t puke soon it’ll be a miracle.

And Brett…

Fucking Brettis relentless. He didn’t even allow me to try catching a wave. We’ve been practicing my balance this whole time.

I unzip the wetsuit, peeling it off me, then drop down onto the sand, not even caring that I don’t have a towel.

“Alex, come on.” He holds his hand out to me. I take it, moaning as he pulls me up.

“Rinse off at my outdoor shower while I get our boards.”

I nod. Washing the salt water and sand off me has incentivized me to put one foot in front of the other. I close my eyes as the warm water rains down on me, gasping as strong hands wrap around me, pulling me back into his warm chest, the sun’s heat transferring from his back to mine.