Page 42 of Rule

“Skylar.” His voice makes my cheeks heat, and since they were already on fire, I’m sure I look ridiculous.

“What is going on? Is she—”

“I just had a meeting with your sister. Why are you screaming?” His voice remains calm, controlled.

Her pale cheeks pinken. “Oh.” She stands up straighter. “So she wasn’t bothering you?”

“Bothering? She’s my student and had an appointment to discuss her theory on African ants in the Sahara. What are you insinuating?” His voice sounds condescending.

My eyes bolt up to his.

He’s brilliant and fearless. I bite my lower lip so as not to groan out loud—he’s that awe inspiring. Skylar takes a step back, as if she, too, feels his massive power.

“I… I’m…” She opens and closes her mouth and turns her wrath on me. “I saw you following him, and I thought you were stalking him.” Her voice is filled with venom, and I almost scream,What have I ever done to you?Instead, I swallow and look her straight in the eye.

“He’s my professor,” I say, ignoring my conscience that’s screamingcheater.This is all so wrong. Skylar has some weird grudge against me, and Dean Powers did just fuck me on his desk. Jesus, am I the bad guy? She ignores me and turns her attention to Brett.

“Sorry.” She smiles up at him. “I just wanted to make sure she wasn’t making you uncomfortable—”

“I can take care of myself. Excuse me.” He grins, holding the glass door open for me to exit.

My eyes dart to Skylar. She looks at him, then me. Forcing my legs to move, I step out into the warm sun and feel Brett walking behind me. Jesus God, he cannot really be doing this, can he?

“Where are you going?” His voice sounds demanding with just the right amount of gravel, causing me to shiver even with the sun beating down on me.

“What are you talking about? I’m going to my car,” I hiss, forcing myself not to look back at him as I move straight ahead.

“No,” he says, and I almost trip. He can’t be serious! My sister is right there staring daggers. I don’t have to turn around to know she’s watching us.

“Your girlfriend is—”

“Skylar is nothing, a non-issue. Go right. I’ll pick you up at the second stop sign.” And before I can say anything logical, likethere’s no way I’m going home with you, he’s gone.

“God.” Taking a breath, I look around. I’m at the end of the campus and the ocean is straight ahead. I have two choices: go left and walk to parking lot C to my car, or go right and burn in hell…

“Don’t do this, Alex,” I mumble, even as I walk where he directed me to go. My stomach flutters, and I bite my lower lip, trying to reason that I’m only going toward the stop sign so as not to cause a scene. Because if I live to be a hundred, I’m not sure I’ll ever be able to wrap my brain around the fact that I don’t have control over myself. It’s like he’s cast some dark spell on me, and I want him to end this constant craving.

The black car slows down and stops at the red stop sign. I still have time to stop this madness…

“Let’s go, Baby Girl.” His voice goes deep into my heart. This is it. If I get into that car, my life is going to change. The fact is, I want him. Crave him, need him like the air I breathe. My eyes scan the couple of vehicles behind his. What if someone recognizes his car? I mean, we’re off the actual campus but still on the—

“Get in, Alexandrea.” His words cut off all my thoughts, and I stare mortified, then move before he yells my name again or something else.

“Oh my God.” I slam the door and turn toward him. “Do you want us to get caught?”

“Seat belt,” he demands, completely ignoring my question, and I automatically obey, though my hands shake.

“Something is wrong with me.” I lean back into his buttery-soft seat and close my eyes, trying to control my breath and heartbeat.

“Relax. It’s out of your control. I own your cunt.”

“You can’t say the c-word. You’re a professor, for God’s sake.” My eyes bolt open when he bursts out laughing. “It’s not funny. You shouldn’t say it… that.” I turn to look at him, trying not to be distracted by his smiling full lips as he drives.

“Alexandrea,that”—he glances at me, and our eyes clash, causing my heart to leap to my throat—“is my cunt. I will fuck it, suck it, and spank it if I so choose. Do you know why?”

I can barely breathe, much less talk, so I shake my head.

“You need me to set you free.”