Page 21 of Rule

“My apologies. I did not mean to keep you waiting. I lost track of the time eating pie.”

He raises an eyebrow at me. “Pie? This early in the day?” I motion for them to follow me toward the Engineering Department lab and conference room.

“Dan, I can eat pie anytime and all the time. It’s my favorite thing.” Unable to help it, I grin.

“I’ll remember that. My wife and I have this bakery down the street from our house that makes the most incredible pies. I’ll have Stacey send you one.” I open the door, smiling at him as he passes.

“Well, thank you, Dan. You certainly don’t have to. I have one I’m kind of addicted to right now.” It’s impossible not to laugh as we keep walking. I’m such a dick. I shouldn’t be in this good of a mood. There’s nothing funny about the fact that I have blue balls, and Alexandrea’s cunt tastes like peach pie.

“Don’t be ridiculous. It’s the least I can do.” He turns to his assistant. “Make sure you send Dean Powers a few pies.” He looks at me. “What flavor?”

I smile. “I’m on a peach kick right now.”

“Ah, yes, fruit pies are the best.” Dan nods as I pull out one of the chairs for him to sit, his assistant sitting in the chair to his right. Matt walks in as I sit across from them and passes out the folders for our presentation.

“They are, indeed.”


Holy shit.Just keep walking,I chant in my head. Stunned, I make my way into the bathroom not quite believing what just happened. I just came in Dean Powers’s mouth.

“Holy fuck.” I grab the cold ceramic sink and look at myself in the mirror as the sound of his voice makes me freeze.

“Sorry to keep you waiting. I was eating pie.” He didnotjust say that, did he? I cover my mouth.

“Pie? This early in the day?”

“Dan, I can eat pie anytime and all the time. It’s my favorite thing.”

“Jesus.” I blow out some air as I look around. There’s not much in here but a toilet, a small shower, and a sink. So I sit on the toilet lid and try to get my breathing under control.

“I’m a horrible person,” I announce, closing my eyes, yet all I see is him. I bolt up and turn on the faucet and splash cool water on my burning cheeks. My mind on rewind, I see his eyes watching me and his lips saying the most filthy things… and I loved it.

“Oh my God.” Placing my hand under the cold water, I bring it to the back of my neck. I’m on fire and not sure if I’m mortified or just burning for this man. It’s like I’m not in control of my own body around him.

And he’s Skylar’s boyfriend, not to mention my professor, or dean, like he demands I call him. I roll my eyes, turning off the faucet to look at myself again.

My cheeks and lips are dark pink, and my chest is still splotchy from the intense orgasm, but I’m really hoping most people would simply think I look healthy.

I touch my lips, still feeling his.You have to get out of here, Alex. Stop overthinking it. You can figure everything out later.Now walk out of his bathroom and go to class. If Brett can tell a senator he was busy eatingpie… I can exit this room and finish my day.

Leaning forward, I wipe away the bit of mascara under my eyes, satisfied that I look fine to leave. Then turn and slap off the light switch. I’m on a mission, and that is to put one foot in front of the other. I reach for my backpack and swing his door open to step out into the real world.

“Alex? Took you long enough.” Jordan’s voice makes me let out a yelp, and I turn to look at him. He stops walking to hold up his hands like I have a gun pointed at him.

“God, you scared me.” I sag against the closed door, my earlier high from the orgasm fading. Staring at Jordan’s concerned expression is the last thing I want to see.

“Sorry, I thought you saw me.” He laughs, moving closer, and all of a sudden, I panic. How long has he been there?

“Have you been waiting for me?” I say, trying to keep my voice calm, but what the hell? He can’t possibly have heard anything, right?

“Yeah, my next class isn’t until eleven fifteen. Come on, I’ll buy you a coffee and give you my notes so you’re not behind.” He smiles. Jordan is kind of cute with that honey-wheat blond hair and tan skin he has going for him… but compared to Brett Powers, he looks like a kid dressing up in Daddy’s expensive casual clothes.

“I can’t. I need to go to philosophy.” I push off the door, trying to act normal.

He glances at his phone. “Um, Alex, you’re already a half hour late.”

And I want to scream.