Page 18 of Rule

“Yep. This won’t take long,” I hiss, grabbing her elbow and propelling us toward the door, aggravated that my cock is so hard that it’s uncomfortable to walk.

Her eyes dart up to mine as she bites her bottom lip. I escort her toward my office, stopping at the door. I nod at a student, then look down at her, and for a second, she robs me of all oxygen.

She’s flawless, skin glowing like sweet cream, hair wild and spilling over both shoulders, but it’s her eyes that make a man like me need to stay away.

Jesus Christ, what was I thinking? I shouldn’t be alone with her. The way I’m feeling…

“Let’s make this quick. We both have places to be,” I growl, swinging the door open and dipping my head to inhale her as she breezes past me. Which pisses me off, so I take it out on the door and slam it.

Keep it together, Brett. You’re just hungover and in need of Advil and fluids.

“Sit.” I motion with my head to one of my large brown leather chairs. Ignoring me, she’s seemingly engrossed in the framed photos hanging on my office wall.

“You do extreme sports?” She looks over at me.

“I saidsit,” I bark out, not engaging in her question as I jerk open my drawer to grab the bottle of Advil stashed in there and dump three into my mouth and swallow.

“I always wanted to learn how to surf.” She speaks to the picture as she casually moves toward me, her eyes still on my photos.

This shit has to stop now.

“You should. It’s a spiritual experience. Now, I thought we agreed you were dropping the class, yet here we are.” I pull out my chair and drop into it as her eyes trail up my legs to my face.

“Well,Idecided that wasn’t best for me,” she fires right back, finally looking at me. My eyes narrow on hers. She’s testing what little patience I have left.

“How do you know Skylar?” I snap. Because what happened this morning seems like days ago, and to be honest, I tuned Skylar out on the whole car ride to my place. I’m guessing they’re sisters? Cousins? Only because they share the same last name.

“She’s my half sister.” Her tone makes her sound about as happy as I am right now, and she finally takes a seat.

I nod. “You do understand CAU is one of the best universities in the world, right? You need to produce. You can’t just think because you have a relative on the staff you won’t be expelled. You must be able to do the work.” I watch the play of emotions on her face. It might be harsh, but it’s true. Something about her seems to bring out the worst in me.

“Excuse me?” she puffs out as if it’s only now dawning on her what I said. She holds up her hands as if she truly is insulted.

“Trust me. Skylar did not help me get in,” she snarls as her nails dig into the leather armrest of the chair.

“I got in here on my own merit. I worked my ass off. I was valedictorian…Got a sixteen hundred on my SATs—”

“Whatever. It doesn’t matter,” I cut her off as her lips and cheeks flush a deep red. “What does matter is that this class is for engineering students—”

“Are you kidding me?” She jumps up and leans her hands on both ends of my desk. “I won the STEM student award last year out of all the seniors in Ohio, Professor Powers. I deserve to be here.”

“Dean. That’sDean Powersto you.” I stand, and her eyes widen. “We’re finished here.”

When I walk around my desk, she spins to face me.

“I’m not dropping the class,” she announces, her hands clenched like she’s holding herself back from attacking me.


I cock my head, and my eyes dip to her breasts rising and falling in time with her fast panting.

“You don’t want to do this, Alexandrea.I don’t play games. You understand me?” The entire energy in the room has changed. You can almost feel the erotic need we both have. My nostrils flare at her fucking primal scent.

She wants me.

Adrenalineflows straight down to my already-hard cock as I fight myself.

Rules.Remember them? You can’t fuck a student…