Page 15 of Rule

Her voice sounds far away as I smile and grunt out, “You can suck my dick in the morning…” Then all goes black.


Vowing that today will be a better day, I straighten my shoulders, prepared to face it.

Last night I fell asleep around ten o’clock while reading, only to be awakened at one thirty when my sister and some man came home. No wonder I’m exhausted today. On a positive note, I really hope this is the guy who’s been making her act so weird.

Hopefully, she got laid, and now she’ll be a nicer person. I strum my fingers on the tile counter as I wait for the coffee to finish brewing. Maybe we can still bond? I mean, if she’s happy, that has to make her a more pleasant person, right?

The three loud beeps make me sigh, and I pour myself a cup. Relieved that I got to the machine first. Skylar usually does, and not gonna lie, it’s like drinking brown water.

Taking a deep sip of the bitter brew, I savor it for a moment.

“Brett, you don’t have to leave. We can drive in together…” Skylar’s voice does not sound different. If anything, she sounds frantic. I turn and grab the pot, ready to fill my mug so I can dart back to my room.

“No. I need to change.” I freeze, and chills slither up my spine. That voice… it can’t be.

“I can drive you. It’s no hassle. Please, I want to—” And that’s when my hope of having a better day vanishes. All thoughts, in general, are gone as I stand frozen, staring into his shocked blue eyes.

“Alex! What the hell are you doing?” My sister’s harsh voice makes the world come back into focus. That, and the scalding coffee I’m spilling from the pot. How can this be happening? I can’t be staring at the one man who makes my heart skip and stomach flutter.

I can’t.

“Christ.” His warm hand takes the pot from me as I back up, covering my mouth in horror. Staring at him, I pray this is just my imagination, but the loud slam of the carafe into the Cuisinart machine, and his ocean-blue eyes, force me to snap out of this numbness.

This is real. He’s here.

My professor,Dean Brett Powers, stands in the kitchen, wearing a wrinkled suit, his dark hair looking like he just got up.

“Look at my floor,” Skylar wails. “Are you stupid, Alex? It even got on Brett’s shirt!” She pushes me aside and grabs the roll of paper towels off the counter. Because apparently, I can’t move. All I can do is gawk at him.


This is the man who’s been making my sister lose her mind? I can almost feel the laughter getting ready to burst out of me. Out of all the men in Los Angeles, this is her boyfriend?

“Oh, Brett, look at you. I’m so sorry. Alex can pay for your dry cleaning. That is going to stain. Seriously, what is wrong with you?” Standing, she points the wad of dripping paper towels at me.

I go to open my mouth, but nothing comes out. Not with the way her eyes narrow at me, as though I’m not even human, and more like an insect she’d like to squish.

“Move,” she demands, making me slide to the right as she tosses the paper towels in the trash can.

“Skylar, fucking relax. I don’t care about my shirt.” His deep, voice makes my eyes dart back to his, and suddenly, I’m cold. Because he does not look amused or in shock anymore. He looks… Jesus, he looks angry. More so than even yesterday, and look how that turned out.

“I’m so sorry. You startled me… I wasn’t expecting—”

“Oh my God. Shut up, Alex. You’re embarrassing yourself.” Skylar holds a hand up in my face, and I almost slap it away. Except I’m trapped, prisoner to Dean Powers’ stare. It’s like I’m his prey, a rabbit waiting to be caught by a predator. His eyes narrow as they sweep me from top to bottom.

“I’m late.” His voice makes me grab the counter behind me to steady myself.

“I’m driving you.” Skylar moves in front of me, her blond head blocking my view of him.

My eyes trail down to a big coffee stain on her left hip. Here comes the laughter again, and I bite my bottom lip. She’s going to lose her mind when she discovers it since her pants are cream colored, but to be honest, I don’t care.

“Brett, let me grab my keys and I’ll drive you to your place,” she calls after him.

“Let’s go,now.”He sounds so different talking to her. It’s like his tone changes with Skylar. Not that he sounds inviting to me, but he does sound invested.

Skylar spins toward me. “This isn’t going to work out. I’m calling our father and telling him you need your own place,” she snaps, grabbing her purse off the counter.