“How?” She echoes my thoughts.

I don’t have to think about it too long.

“We walk.” My voice is strong, letting her know I mean my words. “We’ll tell them this movie is done.”

Teagan’s eyes go wide. “But what about the studio?”

“You let me handle them,” I tell her, squeezing her shoulder. “I’ll handle your mother, as well.”

She sniffles. “Your career, Mal. You’ll be ruined.”

Moving a step back, I take her hands in mine. “So what?”

“Mal . . .”

“Don’t Mal me. This is the only way. You needed me to see what you couldn’t tell me. I failed you then. I won’t fail you again.”

And I won’t. I mean that with my whole heart.

Even if it means breaking my own in the process.

I stand in the middle of the set and take a deep breath. My nerves threaten to explode, but I tamp them down and fill myself with strength.

I need to stand up for Teagan.

Teagan’s health is the only important thing. When I finally find Jeffrey and Stefan, I stride over to them, shoulders pulled back, spine straight.

“I’d like to talk to both of you.” I hope my firm voice hides my uncertainty. “Alone.”

Jeffrey turns to Stefan with a questioning look, to which Stefan merely gives an almost imperceptible nod.

“Sure,” Jeffrey says, turning back to me, then swings open the door to the hut behind him, stepping inside. As I’m about to close the door, I hear the voice of the one person I can’t deal with right now.

“Mal. What’s going on?”

I don’t look at him. Not now. Not when I’m only moments from ruining things between us and splintering my heart into a million pieces in the process.

I need to put Teagan’s mental health first. It’s the right thing to do.

The door has hardly shut behind us when I spit out the words that will put the nail in this film’s coffin.

“Teagan needs to pull out of Twisted Lily,” I say, managing to keep my voice even and firm.

“W-what? Why?” Jeffrey stammers, face growing red.

“The set has become unpredictable and unsafe. It’s in my client’s best interests to back out of this role.”

The room is deathly quiet, save for the ticking of a clock. Jeffrey’s face has fallen into an unreadable mask, something he’s likely perfected over the years after having to deal with many situations like this.

Stefan’s brows furrow slightly, but he doesn’t pitch a fit or fight me. His nod makes me wonder if he might understand why I’m pulling her.

“We’ll call our lawyers.” He’s not harsh or threatening. If anything, he seems calm about the decision. He offers a tight smile, his eyes soft and almost . . . understanding. It gives me the feeling that maybe he knows how hard this is for me.

Jeffrey nods in agreement. “You do realize that our lawyers are going to come after her. After you. The amount of money lost because of this is obscene.” He looks at Stefan, eyes wild with untamed fury. “She can’t be serious,” he seethes.

Stefan’s hand juts out, signaling for Jeffrey to stop. “We will have to consider this a breach of contract.” Again, he’s not being harsh. Stefan is only being professional in ensuring I understand the ramifications.

I’m new to this, and he’s well aware. I take it as his way of looking out for me, and at this moment, my heart softens toward the eccentric man.

“I understand,” I say, offering Stefan a tight, professional smile. I turn toward Jeffrey, not extending the same courtesy.

He’s been obnoxious since I arrived. “You can call your lawyers, but my client is still leaving this island today.” My eyes don’t waver from Jeffrey’s. I allow him to receive every bit of my harsh tone and cold stare.

We’re at a standstill. There is nothing more I can say or do to make them understand. All that’s left is to get Teagan off this island.

“Jeffrey,” I say, hand on the knob as I go to leave. “My father won’t be returning your call.”

His face pales, mouth flapping open like a fish out of water.

He doesn’t realize that I have no control over my father. I only said it to have the last word and make him sweat a bit. He deserves it for all the probing.

Stepping out of the hut, I know I should feel like a huge weight has been lifted from my shoulders, but instead, my stomach feels hollow.

So much more needs to happen. Theresa must be dealt with, and I’ll have to tell Paxton.

That’s the worst of it all.

Even though Teagan can finally be free from this chaos and start to heal, I know it comes at a great cost to Paxton. It’s something we won’t be able to recover from. This project meant everything to him.

It was the beginning of big things for his agency, and I just squashed it within five minutes.