The thought of her having my kid one day has my dick twitching.

At least the thought of trying and the fucking that entails does.

Although, I don’t hate the idea of settling down with her and eventually having a family.

What the hell is wrong with you, Pax!

You’ve known this girl for only a few months, and most of the time, you’ve spent it hating her. Now you want her to have your kid?

I blame it on the post-orgasmic high and push the thought away.

I pull out of her and then motion to the translucent blue ocean. “Let’s wash off.”

“That’s one way to clean ourselves.” She laughs.

Taking her hand in mine, I walk us to the back of the boat.

“On three. One. Two. Three.” We jump.

Our bodies hit the water at the same time, my legs kicking out to tread.

The sound of Mallory’s laughter rings through the air. It’s infectious, and I can’t help but throw my head back and chuckle alongside her.

Now submerged, we both swim around, copping feels under the shield of the water.

Mallory’s arms glide as her legs kick out to keep her in place.

She gives me an impish smile and swims away from me. I lunge forward, my hands digging into the water as I propel myself after her.

I’m determined to catch her.

Her laughter turns into a playful scream as she kicks faster, swimming for the surface with all her might.

Finally, I grab on to her slim waist and pull her back into my chest with one arm.

“You think you can get away from me?” I grin.

“Maybe.” She giggles, squirming while attempting to stay afloat.

We both float on our backs together, side by side. The sun is warm on our faces, and the water is refreshing to the touch. It’s moments like these that make me feel alive.

“We probably shouldn’t stay out here too long. We’ll attract sharks.”

“Sharks?” she screeches, bolting upright. I pull my bottom lip into my mouth to smother my smile. “Are you serious?”

“Maybe . . . maybe not,” I say, twirling around in the water.

“Paxton . . .” she warns, and I dive toward her, hearing her shriek before submerging myself.

When I break the water’s surface, I’m directly in front of her, pulling her into me with one arm. I place a kiss on her lips. “We need to dry off.”

We both climb back into the boat, lying next to each other on the sundeck at the back of the boat, the sun beating down on us.

Mallory turns to look at me, her eyes sparkling with joy. “This is perfect,” she murmurs. “Thank you for whisking me off.”

I nod in agreement and squeeze her hand. “It really is.”

She sighs. “I wish we’d never have to leave.”

I’m right there with her. This moment with her is one I’d love to stay cocooned in, but reality awaits us.

“Unfortunately, staying isn’t an option.”

“How long until you think shooting will be done?”

“Barring no more drama?”

“Yeah, let’s assume that.” She grows silent for a moment, and I watch as her brows pinch together.

“What is it?” I ask, wondering where her thoughts have drifted to.

“You think it’s sabotage or just a comedy of errors?”

“Definitely sabotage,” I admit. I’ve been thinking about it for some time, and there’s no way this is all coincidence. Not when you consider the leaks. “I wish I knew who was doing it. Then we could have Stefan kick them off the island and finish this damn movie.”

Her nose scrunches at my words, and I realize the way she’s hearing them. “I didn’t mean it like that, Mal.”

“I know.”

My eyes widen in challenge. “Do you?”

“Well, no . . . I guess I don’t understand what we’re doing.”

This is the conversation I’ve been dreading. Relationship talk. It’s not that I don’t want to go down that path with her. I do. But I also realize it’s easy to get caught up on a tropical island away from real life. Back home, we’re competitors living different lives.

“Does it have to be labeled?” I ask.

“No.” She exhales. “It’s probably better that it’s not. Especially with all the factors against us.”


I have a feeling she’s thinking the same as me, but I’m curious. I don’t want to give away that I’ve thought about factors myself because I don’t want her to freeze up on me.

“Well, the haters of this film will have a field day if they find out. Plus, it’s also not good for either of our reputations.”

“We’d survive.”

Why the hell am I arguing this? I have the same damn concerns. It’s just not setting well hearing it from her.

“Easy for you to say,” she mutters. “You have a successful business. I’m just starting out.”

“Well, you can—”

“Don’t even say those words, Paxton Ramsey. If, after everything, you still think I’d go, tail tucked between my legs, and ask my father for a handout—”