Within a few seconds, I spot Michael. He sees me, too, and his arm reaches up into the air as he waves me over.

“How did you get situated?”

“Everything is good. I'm actually looking for Brad.”

“I think he's over there. I believe he's drinking.” Michael points in the opposite direction.

Great. Just what I need. A drunk, pissed-off client, who's already demanding.

Hopefully, that's not the case, but if it is, I'll let him know I arrived and then head back to my hut on the other side of the island.

I take the path Michael pointed at and see where Brad is. He's sitting on a chair, sharing a bottle of—what is he drinking?

I squint my eyes. It's rum.


He lifts the bottle, and from the way his hand sways, it's clear he's three sheets to the wind. I consider turning around, but before I can, he sees me. “You're here!” he hollers. “Get your ass over here. It's about fucking time.”

I make my way over to him. “You called me yesterday,” I deadpan.

“Exactly, it took you long enough.”

“Glad to see you, too.” I take a deep breath and assess him. “How much worse is it?”

He places the bottle down and tilts his chin up to meet my stare. “It's worse than the tabloids think it is.”

“How the fuck are the tabloids getting so much intel? There's hardly anyone here.”

“No clue. No one knows who's leaking the information. It's 100 percent an inside leak because the gossip columns aren't that far off.”

This whole thing is beyond peculiar. This set is supposed to be a closed one. How are the stories getting out?

“Stefan fired half the crew.” Brad's sharp voice cuts through my thoughts.

“Are you serious?” I step closer.

Brad reaches for the bottle and takes a swig. “Yes, and it's causing a host of issues. Production being slow is one of the biggest.” He lifts his hand and offers me the bottle. I lift my hand to decline. “I didn't sign up for this, Pax.”

I nod. It's not something I can argue. He made a fortune, but that doesn't have anything to do with contracts.

“Are the safety issues true or false?”

“Well, seeing as we're missing half the crew now, that is a major safety issue. But even before Stefan fired everybody, there were accidents. At first, it was only Teagan getting hurt.” He lifts his hands like it's no big deal. “I figured she was clumsy.”

That's concerning. What's going on that she is getting hurt? No wonder her mom is flipping her lid.

“After Stefan went rogue and fired people, more accidents have been happening. Which isn't a surprise.”

I shake my head, taking in a deep breath.

“How is Teagan?”

His lips tip up into a lecherous smirk. “Hot.”

“Be serious. I meant physically.”

His eyebrows waggle, and I regret my words immediately.

“I am serious. What I would do to have those lips wrapped around my cock. Fuck, she's so young. I bet her pussy is tight, too—”

“Brad.” I level him with my stare. “Please stop. And don't even think about laying a hand on her. She's off-limits. Got it?”

That's the thing about Brad. Fame has gone to his head, but despite his inappropriate comments, he has yet to step over the line fully.

People have complained that he's difficult, but nothing about those complaints has actually come to fruition . . . yet.

One day, it could, but in the meantime, men like him simply think they are gods.

“I do what I want, Paxton. You just make the deals and collect on the money I earn.”

Arrogant fucking prick.

The moment he gets his Oscar, I'm cutting him loose.

This relationship has run its course. One more comment I don't like and I'm liable to strangle him.

On that note, I decide it's best I leave. My appetite is now gone, thanks to this man. “I'm calling it a night. I need to be on my A game tomorrow. Don't do anything stupid.”

“You sure you don't want a drink?”


Another thing about Brad, one minute, he’ll threaten your career and your whole livelihood, and the next, he'll ask if you want to party with him.

He's a big enough narcissist not to understand that I hate his ass.

He probably shouldn't be left unattended in this state, but enough people are around to ensure he doesn't step out of line. I'm not a babysitter.

Turning my back on him, I make my way down the dark path. I need to get my head in the game, and I can't do that around him.

Something tells me tomorrow will give today a run for its money.

I'm not looking forward to it.

Now, to get a good night's sleep, without dreams of long-legged women wearing my shirt and looking like my wet fucking dream.



@Stargossip: What are the chances that Teagan falls twice? Stick around . . . we’ll keep you posted.

@TeaganTrain: I’ll play the net! No need for her to worry!