“It feels like everything that can go wrong is. Like there is a giant boulder we’re all trying to push up a hill. No matter how hard we try, it just keeps rolling back down,” Mallory says.

Teagan’s voice is tight. “Yeah, that’s exactly how it feels.” Her hand reaches out toward me, and I give her a look.

“Sure that’s a wise idea?”

She glowers, and I decide not to treat her like a child and hand over the bottle. She takes a swig and then sighs heavily.

“We’ll get this movie done,” Mallory says. “If it’s the last thing I do, I’ll make sure of it.”

The bottle is passed back to me, and I grip it tightly and nod. I can see the fire in her eyes and know she means it.

“I’ll make sure we do, too.”

Teagan gives us both a tight smile. “Okay.”

Time passes, and as it does, the sunlight fades and turns the sky black.

Laughter rings through the air as we continue to drink. Unlike the group to our left, we sit in companionable silence, taking turns sipping from the bottle.

I turn toward Mallory, and she has her head tilted toward the sky. The stars twinkle above us like tiny pinpricks of light against a backdrop.

A gust of wind blows across my face, and the air around us changes. There’s no question a storm is brewing.

A drop of rain pelts me on the forehead, quickly followed by another.

I jump to my feet and turn to Mallory and Teagan. “It’s going to pour any minute.”

“I guess it’s time to go.” Mallory shrugs, sulking as she stands.

“I’m going to find my mom.” Teagan gives us a tight smile. “I might be mad, but she’s still my mom.”

“Make sure you’re indoors before this storm hits. It looks like it’s going to be nasty,” I warn, hoping she heads my words.

Storms on an island can get intense. The last thing we need is a tragedy.

She nods, rushing off toward her hut.

When it’s just Mallory and me standing here, the rain picks up, and the storm soon becomes fast and furious. Wet strands of hair cling to her face as she throws her head back and laughs. Her eyes sparkle and shimmer brighter than the stars on a clear night.

She’s a goddamn masterpiece.

Her beauty is beyond any words that I can think of. Stunning hardly cuts it.

What I wouldn’t give to grab her, pull her toward me, and do all the wicked things I want to her.

That’s the rum talking.

There’s no time for that shit right now.

The wind continues to pick up speed, and I know we’re running on borrowed time. “Stay right here.”

Her eyebrows furrow. “Where are you going?”

I’m jogging backward when I call out, “To grab another bottle and some food before everything is ruined. I’ll grab you some, too.”

She nods, and I turn around and dash over to the table. There are large black totes under the food. I grab one, stuffing it with supplies, before hurrying back.

I grab Mallory’s arm. “Let’s go.”

Together, we dash back to the path that leads to our huts.

When we get to hers, she sidesteps the hole in the step.

I follow her in, unloading half of the supplies I took before heading toward the door.

“If you need me—”

“I’ll be fine.”

I stand in the doorway, looking down into her blue eyes, which are a bit hazy at the moment. Neither one of us speaks or moves. We’re staring into each other’s eyes, both lost in the moment. I lean toward her, not sure what I’m thinking. When my lips are a hair’s breadth away from hers, thunder booms, jolting us back to the present.

Mallory screeches, jumping back, eyes wide.

“You better go,” she says, and I know the moment is ruined.

I nod, and she offers me a small smile before closing the door and shutting me out.

The sky opens up, and the winds are fierce.

I’m standing on her hut’s porch while the rain soaks me through. Lightning streaks across the sky, and I know I have to move. No amount of standing here will bring back that moment. It’s for the best.

I’ll only think about it until morning.

It’s going to be a long night.



@Stargossip: Just in . . . Teagan has been stabbed on set! We’ll keep you posted on every detail we manage to uncover.

@LosttoLust: Umm . . . why isn’t the news picking this up?

@BeamMeUpTeagan: WHAT?! Is she okay? Was it Brad?

@Deathtothesystem: Somehow, it’ll be covered up because it wasn’t Brad . . .

@Stargossip: @LosttoLust They have PR on the scene . . . . I’m sure they’re burying it.

It doesn’t take me long to realize I’m, in fact, wrong.

I will not be fine.

A nervous laugh bubbles up through my mouth. Only me.

This would only happen to me.

Right there, not a foot in front of me, is a huge puddle of water.