“Where are you going?” Clarke sat up, her beautiful naked body on full display.

“Give me a second, woman.”

I opened one of the three drawers Clarke allowed me to use and grabbed the Tiffany’s ring box. She gasped as I turned around the face her. As I approached the bed, she slid to the edge of the mattress, staring up at me in disbelief.

“Don’t look so surprised, wifey. You deserve a real engagement ring.”

I dropped to my knee in front of her and opened the box for her to see the five carat princess cut diamond ring. Her hands flew up to her mouth, her eyes wide.

“Clarke.” I took her trembling hand in mine and massaged her skin. “We’ve both been fighting this for a long time. But we should have known there’s no escaping fate.” I lifted the ring from the velvet and held it out for her to see. “Will you marry me?”

Tears fell from her eyes. “Yes.”

I stripped the fake Vegas ring off her finger and replaced it with the diamond. She flung herself into my arms, kissing me between sobs, her tears wetting my cheeks.

Chapter Twenty-Five


I sat in front of the vanity and stared at the gorgeous diamond on my finger. Will did well. The princess cut diamond was so perfect and bright it shone from every angle.

Mia rested her hand on my shoulder, snapping me back to reality. “You look happy.”

I looked at her in the mirror. “So do you.”

She smiled, running her hand over her stomach. “I am. But this baby growing in my belly has been keeping me up at night. My stomach is a mess. I hope I don’t have to puke in someone’s hat during the ceremony.”

I laughed. “If you need to hurl, make a run for it.”

“As long as you’re not planning to run away.”

I shook my head. “Nope. I’m not going anywhere.”

“Told you Will would change your mind about him. He doesn’t have a way with words, but he’s a good man. I know he loves you and will take good care of you.”

I nodded. “He’s not the same person. I made him out to be the villain in my mind because I was afraid of getting hurt again. But he’s proved me wrong. I’m glad I took a chance on him.”

“You look beautiful.” Mia fixed my curls into place. “The stylist did an amazing job with your hair.”

Looking into the mirror, I took in my curled hair and the mixture of grays and blues lining my eyes. I looked like a different person, someone I almost didn’t recognize.

“Will says he likes me without makeup,” I told Mia.

Mia fixed the strap of her pale pink bridesmaid gown. “My brother will die when he sees you.”

“He better not die on me. Not until he gets to see this dress.”

Our laughter filled the room.

“I’m so pumped to have a sister-in-law,” Mia cooed. “This is going to be so much fun. Wait until the holidays. You better learn how to cook, girl.”

“Will’s a pretty good cook. I’ll leave that in his capable hands.”

The event planner popped her head into the room and called out that we had five minutes until the start of the ceremony. I rose from the chair, attempting to push the nerves from my body. We’d done this once before, so why was I shaking like a leaf? Because this time I was sober and wanted to marry Will.

Mia sniffed back her tears. “I’m so happy for you and Will. He’s needed a good woman in his life for a long time.”

“Thank you.” I hugged her, careful not to mess up either of our makeup. “I couldn’t have pulled this wedding off on short notice without your help.”

“Clarke,” my mom said from behind me.

“I’ll give you two a minute,” Mia said before walking away.

Mom cupped my shoulder with her hand. “You ready, baby girl? That event planner woman is driving me nuts.”

“She’s just doing her job.”

“Are you sure about this?” Mom held my gaze. “This wedding came out of nowhere. Your father worries about you. So do I. If this isn’t what you want, you need to say so before we walk down the aisle.”

“I’m positive. Speaking of Dad, any chance he’s coming?”

She shook her head. “I wouldn’t get your hopes up, sweetie. He’s shaken up about you marrying the hockey player.”

“His name is Will, Mom.”

“I know, I know. I’m sorry. Still adjusting to the situation.”

I understood most people were not on board with our plans. Pretty much no one but Mia and Ethan understood why we were getting married. Not like our relationship was anyone’s business, anyway.

“Thanks for standing in for Dad. I’m glad you’re here.”

She tapped my arm, a warm smile in place. “I wouldn’t miss my baby’s big day for the world.”

My heart ached at the loss of my dad. Not that we were ever close, but he walked me down the aisle for my first wedding. We danced and drank and had a damn good time. And now, we were not even on speaking terms. For most of my life, I had wanted to be like him. To be a famous reporter with a glamorous life. But now that I was older and wiser, I realized it was never about chasing a dream.