“Alright then.” Xander took a deep breath and I could see him visibly calming down. His horns and claws slowly receded as he lowered into his seat. “Fine. But you must understand the gravity of your actions.”

Camille nodded. “I do, Xander. I promise to always inform you of my intentions before taking any action.”

Nice touch.

Xander reached out his hand to hers.

She took it with a shaky grip.

A moment of silence passed between them, and I knew that they were physically communicating something that only they could understand.

Leeta came over with two steaming plates of blood sausage and omelets lathered in red sauce. “Breakfast is served.”

Xander didn’t move his hand from Camille’s. “Thank you, Leeta.”

She set a plate near his seat and then put the other by mine.

“That is correct.” I nodded. “Thank you, Leeta.”

While this human-turned-vampire had betrayed Xander before, Leeta was slowly trying to gain back his loyalty and trust. I hope she succeeded because I enjoyed having her around.

Eager to eat, I sat back down, placed my hands on the table, and knitted my fingers together. “Now that we have an understanding, we need to discuss what our next move is.”

Camille directed her attention to me. “What are your thoughts, Ian?”

“I think we should heed this blood mage’s warning.” I picked up my fork. “I had no idea how much power your kind had. I doubt even Phinova knew.”

Camille eyed me. “Why do you say that?”

“If Phinova knew how to control blood in others. . .”

Xander frowned. “She would have definitely used that power among many.”

Instead of answering, I took a forkful of the omelet and ate. Once the food hit my tongue, a groan left me. The blood sauce on the eggs doused my tastebuds in rich flavor.

I swallowed it down and forked up more. “Well done, Leeta. Well done.”

“You are very welcome, Ian.” Smiling, she carried over Camille’s plate of eggs and slabs of fresh bread lathered in butter.

Camille nodded at her. “Thank you very much.”

Xander ate some of his sausage. “I do not think we should let Seraphine go.”

I shrugged. “That is assuming we can actually keep her held here. We do not know the extent of her power.”

Camille didn’t grab her fork. “The Quiet King already imprisoned Seraphine for most of her life. I will not trap her too.”

Xander and I exchanged glances while we ate our food.

When Camille saw Seraphine, she clearly spotted a fellow blood mage—harmless and eager for a sisterhood.

Meanwhile, Xander and I recognized how dangerous Seraphine was to not only Camille but us too.

Our queen sighed. “The Quiet King has fought many wars. He has a massive army and battle experience.”

My stomach twisted.

I set the fork down.

Camille continued, “But if we trained the blood mages—”

“Hold on.” Xander held up his hand. “You are talking about gathering a group of women who are already considered highly lethal to the mages, and you want to do that in their village? If the Quiet King doesn’t kill us, then the Ground Mover will.”

Camille shrugged. “According to Seraphine he may do so anyway.”

Xander looked at me. “Ian?”

I swallowed down bits of blood sausage. “Gathering the blood mages and training them is very risky—”

“They were born with this magic. It is their right to use it.” Camille shook her head. “Who are the mages, you, or even I, to say they can’t?”

I sighed. “They are dangerous. I saw her make you freeze. It almost made me piss my pants, and I have lived a very long time and seen a lot. Not much could terrify me on this planet.”

Camille raised one finger. “Seraphine has a role to play in our war as well as the other blood mages. They need to be able to move about freely without their gloves, and she must train them.”

Xander spoke, “Seraphine’s focus is on getting out of here, before the Quiet King arrives.”

Camille touched her chest. “I can convince her.”

“Yes, Queen.” I grinned. “We saw your effective convincing out in the forest. She almost killed you.”

“Again, she was just trying to scare me.” Camille leaned back in her chair, ignoring her food altogether. “Seraphine, me, and the other blood mages will be a powerful asset in this upcoming war. Admit it?”

“But, at what cost?” I gritted my teeth. “We have just aligned with the mages. If they discover what we are even talking about, there may be a war right here in this village.”

“We keep it quiet.” Camille shrugged. “We find a safe location in the forest away from the village and train them.”

Leeta cleaned up in the kitchen. “I think Camille is right. We will need the blood mages if we want to beat the Quiet King.”

Xander rolled his eyes. “Of course Camille is right. The blood mages could give us a definite edge in the war. However, it could also be a double-edged sword.”