As I stood before the two gods, I felt a sense of deep reverence and awe. These were not mere mortals, but beings of immense power and wisdom.

Why had they chosen to reveal themselves to me in a dream for the second time?

Without a word, Ambi beckoned me forward.

I took three steps towards them, feeling a rush of excitement.

Divine power lathered Ambi’s voice. “We have been watching you, Blood Queen.”

I shivered at this new name he called me.

“We have seen greatness within you.”

Ressi nodded in agreement, her eyes glowing with a warm, welcoming light. “You are destined to unite all creatures under one throne, Camille.”

“I-I don’t know if I can do that.”

Ambi and Ressi exchange knowing glances before turning back to me.

Ressi gave an encouraging nod. “Believe in yourself, Camille.”

Ambi added, “You have already aligned with the mage tribes, and surprisingly also united your kings in one passionate bond.”

I listened intently, my heart pounding in my chest at the mention of my kings. I had not expected the gods to be aware of the intimate details of my life. And I definitely didn’t think they would bring it up.

A blush hit my face.

But they were right.

I had formed a bond with my two kings. And with the mage tribes at our side, we could truly become a force to be reckoned with.

But could I truly unite all creatures under one throne?

Ambi seemed to sense my doubts, and he spoke again, his voice soothing and reassuring. “You have already taken the first steps towards greatness, Blood Queen. Now, it is time to take the next step.”

“And what is that?” I asked, feeling a glimmer of hope ignite within me.

Ambi slowly came my way.

I tensed.

Each step Ambi took was akin to witnessing the heavens in motion. His movements were fluid and hypnotic, effortlessly blending grace and power. “You have the potential to do even more great things, to achieve feats beyond what others believe is possible.”

He stopped barely five feet in front of me.

I raised my chin to take him all in.

The air around me thrummed with energy, charged with an electric current that made the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end.

Ambi gazed down at me. “But you must prepare yourself, and be ready to face the challenges that will come. You must be strong, brave, and be willing to go against your kings when necessary.”

My nerves frazzled. “Why would I need to go against my kings?”

Ressi’s voice was gentle as she spoke, “Because your power will scare many, even your kings.”

“My power? What power?”

Ambi stepped even closer, his eyes glowing with a fierce intensity. “Your power over the vampires, the ability to command their loyalty and obedience, is unprecedented. But there is much more power within you.”

“What is it?”

“Do you really not know?” Laughter left Ambi—loud and booming.

I inched back.

What is so funny?

Frowning, Ressi came over. As she moved, the clouds on her robe drifted. She had an effortless grace, as if she were an extension of the air and light around her. Each gesture was in harmony.

Ressi stopped next to Ambi.

With her so close, he instantly stopped laughing and turned to her. His gaze intensified, as if he were clinging to Ressi with an invisible force that only she controlled.

Ressi smiled at me. “Blood Queen.”

I blinked.

Why do they keep calling me that now?

Ressi spoke, “Your power will be revealed to you soon.”


“When you wake up, go to the village. There is a Mystic Market in the center. Your answer will be dressed in red and standing among the white cats.”

“I. . .don’t understand.”

“You will be a force to be reckoned with.”

Ambi nodded. “Many will seek to harness your power for their own purposes.”

Ressi added, “You must be prepared for the challenges ahead, and for the enemies that will come. But do not fear, for we are here to guide you, to help you unlock the full extent of your potential.”

I felt a sense of gratitude wash over me, knowing that I had the support of such powerful beings. “Thank you, but. . .”

“Yes, Blood Queen?”

“Why did you pick me?”

“We did not pick you.” Ambi laughed. “You came to us, guided by your power.”


Ressi’s golden hair flowed around her face. “Remember, Blood Queen, you are a queen for a reason. Embrace your power, and let it guide you in all that you do.”

The misty landscape around us began to wane with each passing second.

The blue sky and clouds faded.

“No.” I slowly shook my head. “Please don’t leave yet. I still have so many questions.”

Ambi stepped forward, his piercing gaze locking onto mine. “We have seen your potential, but it is up to you to fulfill it. We can offer guidance, but ultimately, the path you choose is yours to walk.”

Too much responsibility weighed heavy on my shoulders.

Ressi gave me a sad smile. “Do not be afraid. We will watch over you, and truly guide you on your journey.”