Camille smiled.

“It is a legendary concoction, crafted by an ancient earth mage named Tarnis the Verdant. As a skilled potion maker, Tarnis sought to create an enchanting beverage that would not only invigorate the senses but also celebrate the natural world and its bountiful gifts.”

Instead of paying attention to Ground Mover, Camille gave me a worried look.

“Do not worry about your kings.” Ground Mover gestured for her to come. “Let us go and make Emerald Elixirs.”

“Oh.” Camille shook her head. “I should stay here and—”

“Go ahead.” I held in my sadness. “I like the sound of a drink tonight.”

Ground Mover led Camille away from the stones, and I was left alone with Xander.

The amber stones continued to pulsate and grow into small boulders, feeding on the evil that had been trapped inside Phinova’s corpse for years. It was unnerving to think that so much darkness had been contained within her body.

I took a deep breath and tried to clear my mind, but memories of my brother and Phinova kept creeping in.

Xander put his view on me. “Now, I understand the Quiet King better.”

“Do you?”

“Yes.” Xander directed his view to the Phinova’s burning body. “The moment I came close to losing Camille. . .I understood.”

I closed my eyes, not ready to think of what had happened to Camille. The loss of one queen had been a devastating blow. The loss of two queens would have been an unspeakable tragedy.

We must keep Camille safe.

My heart sank into my gut. “Whatever the reasoning behind Nai’s actions in these many years, he will die soon, and by both our hands.”

Xander turned back to me. “And how do you feel about that?”

“About what?”

“Killing your twin brother.”

“I have dreamed about killing Nai for many years. The moment he kept me in the sewer was the end of our brotherhood.”

“Then, when the time comes and we are on the battlefield, there will be no hesitation?”

“None at all.”

That could be the only answer.

I would shed no tears.

Nai had terrorized people all over the land, unfairly persecuted those he conceived as wrong, enslaved the weak, killed the young, and impregnated slaves to build his army and murder more.

The last part of him that represented my brother died the night Phinova perished.

I frowned. “He is not my brother.”

Xander watched me. “But, that is your brother.”

“When you and I kill him, it will be a monster that dies, an evil power that should have been struck down long ago.”

Xander slowly nodded.

The cool night air began to warm, signaling the rise of the oncoming sun.

I walked up to the fire. Now Phinova was only a small pile of burning ambers and ash. The weight of the night’s events lay heavy on my shoulders. “We should get some rest today. Tomorrow is another night.”

Xander got to my side. “But will we be getting any rest on this day? Or will we be doing other things?”

Hot anticipation surged in my chest. I tried not to get too excited, but it was difficult.

I faced him. “That is up to you. . .King.”

Xander lowered his voice. “Her blood. . .it tastes different when she is aroused by you.”

I smirked. “That is the power of a blood mage, my friend.”

“That happened with Phinova?”

“Yes. Nai and I drank from many women in our lives, but Phinova was the first woman that could change her blood like that. I am sure Camille has no idea that she is doing it.”

Xander eyed me. “These women that you and Nai had. . .”

I leaned my head to the side. “Yes?”

“Did you share them all with your brother?”



“I never knew I shouldn’t. It was only later that I learned that vampires didn’t share.”

Xander frowned. “I liked the way Camille tasted when you turned her on.”

I nodded. “I used to love the way Phinova’s blood tasted when Nai fucked her.”

Xander blinked.

“With me, Phinova’s blood was a spicy honeyed liquid.”

“And with Nai?”

“Cold and lemony. Something perfect for quenching an intense thirst on a sweltering night.”

Xander gazed off into the distance. “How does Camille taste to you?”

My body hummed with need. “There’s a smoky, herbal flavor to her blood.”

“That was how she tasted when you were with us tonight. Usually, it is different.”

Unable to help myself, I licked my lips. “How does her blood taste with you?”

“Creamy and sweet.”

My cock jerked in my pants. “Hmmm.”

Then, Xander’s eyes glowed. “If I allow this. . .”

“Then, I must be careful to not trigger your battle form.”

“She is mine.”


Chapter 25

Triple the Desire


Hours later, Ian, Camille, and I stumbled back to our lodgings, drunk off Emerald Elixirs and chuckling the whole time.

Ground Mover had shared these potent concoctions with us. The dark green liquid had bubbled and shimmered in our glasses. Once I drank it, the potion imbued my senses with an otherworldly warmth that made everything feel surreal.

Next, Ground Mover regaled us with stories of ancient battles, mythical creatures, and lost kingdoms. His words painted vivid images in our minds, and I couldn’t help but feel a sense of awe as I listened. Each tale was more fantastical than the last, transporting us to distant realms where dragons soared through the skies and mermaids sang enchanting melodies.