Honestly, I still wasn’t sure Xander wouldn’t kill Ian, afterwards. The primal, protective instincts of a powerful vampire king like him could easily eclipse all the logic in his head.

I couldn’t let that happen.

“I believe we have an alliance with at least two mage tribes.” I let out a long, measured breath, my mind racing with both the possibilities of pleasure and the dangers that lay ahead. “We should not rush into having sex, and become enemies due to desire.”

Not only did I deeply care for Ian, but I also knew that we desperately needed him against the Quiet King. And nothing could get in the way of destroying that horrible monster. The end of his reign would mean that my daughters would be safe, as well as other blood mages.

Our quest was not only for personal redemption, but for the very fabric of our fantastical world to be safe.

The air thickened with anticipation.

If we did this, our hearts would be tethered to one another. I just hoped that we could form an unbreakable bond.

I considered the rules that we would need to follow, pledging to be smart and protective, to navigate the treacherous waters of our new intimate connection with both passion and pragmatism.

“We start very slow.” I cleared my throat. “We must be mindful of the delicate balance between us.”

Xander studied me as if his eyes were searching for answers within the depths of my soul. But he remained quiet, a stoic sentinel guarding his emotions.

Now... I wish I could hear his thoughts.

What complex whirlwind of feelings stirred within him?

“You are thinking with a clear head, Camille,” Ian said, his voice gentle and reassuring. “Kissing and touching as a test is smart.”

“I agree too.” Xander leaned over and inhaled the back of my neck. His breath was warm and tantalizing, as it brushed against my neck. “However. . .I cannot promise that I will be able to control myself around you, my queen. You have full dominion over me.”

The raw vulnerability in his voice tugged at my heart.

“Plus,” Xander growled, a primal declaration of his hunger, “I may not want to stop.”

I shivered at the intensity of his gaze, feeling the undeniable connection that bound us together. Despite the uncertainty and the challenges that lay ahead, I knew that our love was strong enough to face this challenge.

I turned to Ian.

“If Xander wants to take the full lead and go beyond kissing and touching,” Ian’s gaze didn’t leave me, his eyes filled with adoration and acceptance. “Then, I will proudly retreat to the shadows and watch our king help his queen reach the heights of ecstasy.”

A rush of lust washed over me.

Ian’s eyes glowed. “I believe that Camille likes it when I watch.”

My body hummed.

Xander groaned. “Can you hear that, Ian?”

A devilish smile spread across Ian’s face. “I hear her blood singing, Xander. So beautiful.”

Xander groaned. “I want her blood to sing more.”

Ian quirked his brows at me. “Queen?”

“Then. . .if Xander wants to do more. . .” I shuddered. “Ian will watch.”

“Good.” Ian slowly raised his hand and ran it through my red strands. “I just want you both to know that I am committed to making this work. Whatever it ends up being. . .I care about you both deeply.”

My heart warmed.

Ian’s words touched me more than his hands ever could because in the end, I wanted this union between us to be not based off lust, but love.

My voice was barely above a whisper. “Then, let’s see.”

“I want to see now.” The low growl of Xander’s voice made goose bumps rise on my arms. “How loud can we make your blood sing?”

“You are naked.” The tip of Ian’s fangs peaked out below his top lip. “We can take off our clothes too.”

I swallowed down my nervousness. “Not all of your clothes. . .”

Ian’s fangs fully revealed themselves. “Then, I respectfully ask my queen to reveal any of me that would please her.”

I gazed over my shoulder at my king.

Xander watched us, his eyes darkening with desire.

I turned back to Ian. “You want me to take off your clothes?”

“I want you to do whatever you crave.”

With slow, deliberate fingers, I reached out and touched Ian’s chest. His skin was warm to the touch.

Dear Ambi.

I slid my hands over his body, feeling each muscle shift beneath my fingers as they traced lines over his pecs and sides to his abdomen. When I got so close to the top of his pants, Ian sucked in sharply, telling me that I was turning him on.

That was all the encouragement I needed.

With a trembling hand I opened the button of his pants and pulled down the zipper.

Am I really going to do this?

I shoved the material down and gasped.

The sight of his two hard cocks made my heart race with excitement. Their tips glistened with need.