She bit her lip. “Yes.”

I snarled. “Why?”

“I needed to go over to the mages and talk without you or Ian scaring them and inciting a war.”

Tension gathered in my shoulders.

I drank her nude image. “You walked over there like that?”

“I needed them to see my symbols and realize that I didn’t bring weapons with me.”

Anger hit me.

It took all of my energy to contain the boiling fury threatening to escape. I couldn’t bear the thought of anyone else seeing her naked.

Calm down.

I gritted my teeth.

We had already been through a lot. She also did not have to forgive me after I took her blood and forced the bond.

But, she did. Don’t mess this up.

I did my best to rationalize it all in my head.

Many people had already seen Camille when Ian opened the wagon door and exposed our lovemaking. Part of me wanted to kill them too. However, I knew that we needed them in this war.

Kill everyone later?

Hope filled my chest.

Then, logic came to me again.

No. I will not be that type of king.

I shifted my thoughts away and returned to calming myself about Camille.

My queen locked me in a wagon and walked off naked into the mage territory?

While I did not want to anger her again, someone needed to give me answers. Preferably, a person I could kill.

I stepped around her. “Tote!”

“What are you doing?” Camille asked.

“Come on.” I left the wagon, turned around, and lifted my hand to help her out.

“Xander, I need you to be able to maintain your temper.”

This odd sensation washed over me as if her very words could command me to do anything.

She eyed me. “Xander, do you understand?”

“Is that an order, queen?”

“Well. . .yes.” She stepped on the ground.

“Then, I will do my best to remain calm.” I wrenched off my shirt and wrapped it around her.

Naughty queen. I’ll take care of that when you’re under me again.

She grinned and tightened my shirt around her.

I scowled.

It appears the only time I have control of you is when I’m inside you, and I’m not sure of myself even then.

Tote arrived at my side with shaking hands. “Y-yes, sir.”

He must’ve been scared of my wrath. There was no need for him to worry. I, myself, was slowly learning that the queen was in charge.

“Get her a robe.”

“Yes, sir.” Tote bowed.

Ian called from several feet away. “Camille, it’s time to call them off!”

I turned that way.

Very naughty queen.

Guards surrounded Ian and pointed their swords near his back and chest. My sister and Leeta stood in front with daggers targeted toward his head.

I put my view back on my queen and snarled, “You trapped Ian, too?”

“Of course,” Camille said as Tote arrived with a beautiful crimson robe.

She took the robe and slipped it on.

“I’ll have to catch Ian and you up.”

And you will have to further explain yourself for locking me in the wagon.

Camille straightened the front of the robe. “But, first I have to get you dressed.”


“We have been invited over for tonight’s festivities. Two of the top mage leaders are marrying.”

Pissed, Ian headed over and stopped at my side. “Marriage?”

Camille nodded.

I turned to him. “What do you think?”

“Mages do not always get married for love, most of the time it is because the union would strengthen the tribe.” Ian crossed his arms over his chest. “We will need to be very careful. Mages are very tricky individuals. If you think something is coming by easy with them, then you will find that it is double the difficulty and beyond dangerous.”

Camille walked over to us. “Both leaders were very strong. The woman named Tru, could open up the very ground in front of me and separate it.”

Terror rushed through me. “What?”

Ian’s eyes glowed. “Did they harm you, Camille?”

“No.” She raised both of her hands. “I am fine. I just wanted to tell you about their powers.”

They threatened her.

Ian frowned. “Tell me more.”

“The man, his name is Spenrik. He can make fire appear around us.”

I looked to Ian. “That could help us against the Quiet King’s army.”

Ian shrugged. “If we gain their trust.”

“We will.” Camille turned and gazed at the mage territory. “Since Ian has dealt with them before. . .maybe he should talk for us. What do you think, Xander?”

She put her view back on me.

I studied my beautiful lover, wanting to kiss her.

Ian snapped his fingers in front of me. “Pay attention.”

I blinked. “Damn it.”

“It is fine.” Ian frowned. “You are still getting used to being a king. You’re not used to how much more your queen will hypnotize you.”

“She’s pissed me off, but I am scared to yell at her.”

Ian nodded.

Camille widened her eyes. “What are you both—”

“Not now.” Ian shook his head. “We need to focus on the present problem ahead. I agree. I should talk to the tribe leaders. However, I am shocked that they are just going to let us enter their land.”