“And are you going to stop me?” I adjusted my leotard.


“Just come with me to check out his room and then I will spend the remainder of our time until dawn showing you how much I appreciated your help.”

“How?” He raised his eyebrows.

“With my mouth and,” I trailed my fingers over my hard nipples all the way down to my thighs, “and anywhere else you would like to bite or fill me with your cock.”

His horns, inch-by-inch, disappeared back into his head. “Then we should hurry.”

Chapter 6

Never a Dull Moment


We’re really going to check out the Quiet King’s bedroom.

I hope there’re answers.

I quickly put on brown leather pants that earlier had been brought in by servants. I didn’t want to be walking around in just a leotard.

Watching me, Xander shook his head. “This is probably a bad idea.”

“Or it could be good.” I headed for the door. “Do you think we should tell the others that we’re going?”

“So they could laugh and tell us how stupid this idea is?” Xander got to my side. “No.”

I rolled my eyes. “We are going to get real answers—”

“Or get killed.”

“Then, why are you going if it is such a bad idea?”

“My cock runs my body, and it demands that I do everything you say.”

“Well. . .I’ll take that.” I made it to the door and opened it.

A guard in a brown uniform gripping a long wood sword, slowly faced us and gave me a stern look. “Yes?”

I cleared my throat. “We. . .are going to check on Queen Regina.”

“Visiting time is over with. At the moment, it is lights out for everyone.”

Xander frowned next to me.

The guard turned his gaze to him. “As Queen Regina’s guests, you will remain in your quarters.”

Worried, I turned to Xander.

What should we do?

Kill him.

Do we have to kill him?

Yes, my queen.

“Excuse me?” The guard entered our room.

We stepped back.

The guard raised his eyebrows. “Do we have an understanding?”

Sighing, Xander shook his head. “I see there will never be a dull moment with you, my queen.”

The guard blinked. “What?”

Fast, Xander’s hand shot out to the guard’s neck. His claws burst out and pierced into the man’s skin.

Dear Ambi!

We can’t blame Ambi for this.

I edged back and watched in horror as blood dripped around Xander’s claws. Soon, Xander pulled the guard’s head off with a single, powerful yank.

The head dropped to the floor.

Xander kicked it further inside our room. “As I said, never a dull moment.”

“Trust me. I’m hoping for dull moments soon.” I went back to the door, peeked out of the hallway, and spotted a guard to our right, in front of another door.

Xander, there’s another one.


Yes. Maybe, you’re right. We should forget this mission.

We have already killed one guard. We might as well continue and kill the other one.

Still peeking out the doorway, I cleared my throat and waved at the guard. “Excuse me, could you come here, please?”

The guard looked around and then touched his chest. “Are you talking to me?”

I nodded. “Yes.”

“What do you want?”

“I have an emergency. Please help me.”

Frowning, the guard stomped my way. “What do you want and why aren’t you in your room?”

“I have an emergency.” I backed into the room.

The guard followed me inside and looked around. “Where’s Ving?”

By the time the guard’s foot stepped in front of me, Xander’s claws had connected to his neck.

“Are you sure you know where the King’s room is?” Xander asked as he lifted the guard’s body and threw him into our guest quarters.

A loud crack sounded, and I wasn’t sure if it was the wall or the guard’s spine. Either way, the guard slid to the floor and remained there, unmoving.

I looked at Xander. “You really are much more powerful.”

“I am.” He gave me a sad smile. “Back to my question, do you know where the Quiet King’s bedroom is?”

“Yes.” I grabbed his big hand.

Together, we ran down several empty hallways. Apparently, the guards were just for our guest quarters.

Queen Regina probably still considered Ty, Victoria, and Leeta loyal to her.

Either way, up on this level where the loyal queens and the Quiet King resided, it resembled some sort of ghost town, abandoned and forgotten. Not even servants strolled by.

Everything from the walls to the floors seem to be aged and worn out.

I can’t wait to get out of this castle.

I would even be happy to be in the stinky sewers again.

Soon, my queen.

I would tell you to stop reading my thoughts, but you wouldn’t listen.

You are correct.

Minutes later, I pointed to a huge black iron door at the end of the hallway. “That’s his room. It is down here. I will never forget that door.”

Xander gazed at it.

I looked at him. “Do you still have that magic key that you used in Zumaya?”

“Yes. I always bring it with me.” Xander’s hands went into his pockets. “I almost forgot it when I changed clothes this evening, after my shower.”