“Not so fast, queen.” Ian blurred her way.

I shrieked.

Seconds later, Ian snatched Queen Regina back and covered her mouth with his hand.

I turned to Xander fighting the two guards.

Fast, Xander rammed his claws through one guard’s neck. Blood sprayed and shot to the ceiling.

Xander’s claws further sliced through his flesh. More blood burst from the guard’s neck, spraying Xander’s face.

Queen Regina jerked back in horror and struggled to escape Ian’s arms.

Ty and Victoria got next to me by the door.

“Back away, Camille.” Ty leaned his head against the door. “Let me check to make sure no one else is coming.”

I eyed him, unsure if I could even trust him. Queen Regina had pretty much revealed that Ty and Leeta were with Xander to spy for his mother.

However, she had also mentioned that they both kept trying to get out of their duties. Was it because they developed feelings for him? Did they truly love him?

“Camile.” Ty sighed. “You can trust me.”

I swallowed and moved away from the door.

Ty grabbed the knob, twisted it, and opened the door a few inches.

I glanced back to see Xander ripping the last guard’s chest open.

Queen Regina shrieked under Ian’s hand.

Ian’s face lit up with a malicious grin as a deep, throat laugh left his. His voice came out, darker than ever. “Pull his heart out and eat it, Xander. It will make your horns thicker.”

I blinked.

As if possessed by some evil dark spirit, Xander growled, broke the dying guard’s ribs, and wrenched out the black heart.

The organ beat in his hand.

I whispered. “X-Xander.”

I moved towards him, but Victoria grabbed my arm and yanked me back.

Xander brought the heart to his mouth and bit into it.

“Yes.” Ian growled. “A ripening prince needs proper nutrients. It can’t all come from your queen.”

I gazed back at Ty.

He peeked his head out of the door, scanned the hallway, and then slowly closed it. “I don’t think the rest of the castle was alarmed.”

“How are we going to get out of here?”

Ty gave me a sad smile. “I’m not sure.”

Slurping sounded from the center of the room.

I turned to Xander as he continued to eat the heart.

“That is enough, nephew.” Ian’s grin shifted to a frown. “No more. Only four bites. More could make you sick.”

Xander continued anyway.

“Stop!” I widened my eyes.

Xander moved the heart from his mouth and directed his gaze to mine. He did not seem himself at all. His liquid gold eyes were glazed over with tints of glowing red.

Blood dripped down his chin and trickled onto his chest.

I swallowed. “Put the heart down, Xander. . .please.”

He dropped it to the ground.

The heart smashed to the floor.

The stench of death lingered in the air.

I scanned Queen Regina’s quarters. It was a chaotic mess. Blood pooled on the ground.

No one said anything, not even Leeta, who cowered in front of me.

“Now listen, fake queen.” Ian sneered, knocked the crown off Queen’s Regina’s head, and seized her by the throat. “You’re Xander’s mother, so I don’t want to harm you, but you’ll find out everything you want to know once we decide. Will there be any more problems from you?”

Queen Regina whimpered under his hand, but shook her head no.

Ian released her.

“F-fine. K-keep your s-secrets.” She cleared her throat.

Victoria let go of my arm.

I headed around Leeta and walked over to Xander.

Victoria called out, “Camille, be careful. He doesn’t seem like Xander.”

My hands shook at my sides. “He won’t hurt me.”

Blood continued to drip down Xander’s chin. No words left his mouth as he watched me walk to him.

Ian gazed at us. “Camille is right. Xander could never hurt her.”

Ty let out a long breath. “What are we going to do?”

Ian crossed his arms over his chest. “We’re staying for a little while. I need to go through the castle.”

I stopped in front of Xander and glanced Ian’s way. “Why do you need to go through the castle?”

“I wonder if my brother still has Phinova’s old things like her grimoires.”

I raised my eyebrows. “What would we do with that, Ian?”

“My nephew isn’t the only one who needs guidance.” He turned to me. “Your power is proving to be quite out of hand. My horns are back. It should have taken much longer for them to return.”

I put my view on Xander and gazed up at him.

Silent, he’d been watching me the whole time.

Queen Regina cleared her throat. “The guest quarters should already be prepared by the maids. I can call them to take you there.”

Ian snarled. “How nice of you?”

Queen Regina touched her chest. “What is your problem with me?”

“You are not a queen, and those other women on the thrones out there aren’t queens either.” Ian closed the distance and sneered down at her. “None of you could ever compare to Phinova or even Camille. You will see the truth of my words one day.”