“I actually like what we all have. . .whatever this is.”

My smirk deepened. “Then, I will respect and protect it with all that I have inside of me.”

We began to leave the forest and start heading to the far end of mage territory.

Annoyance hit me. “But, why are we out here? What is going on?”

Xander frowned. “I think it’s better if I showed you. The Ground Mover didn’t want to come out this way. He was. . .nervous.”


Xander nodded. “He pulled me away to deliver a message from Spenrik, and then rushed off to finish the plans for his daughter’s wedding.”

“And what did that message say?”

We arrived at the end of the forest toward the place where the mages had mounted in defense the night before.

“Look. That is the message.” Xander pointed forward.

Oh no.

My stomach dropped to my feet.

A dark silhouette of hundreds upon hundreds of vampires shielded in thick leather and wielding swords flanked the border of mage territory and vampire land.

A mile lay between us.

A shiver hit Xander’s voice. “The Quiet King has arrived.”

Fear sliced through me. “And my brother has brought friends.”

I could not make out too much detail. Yet, I knew for sure that masks covered their faces—the ones that vampires wore when they fought during the day.

They’re practicing for battle.

Wagons rested behind them and probably held more armor and swords.

Xander shook his head. “This is why the Ground Mover is rushing the wedding ceremony. He wants his daughter married and the tribes united before. . .”

“The war.”

Xander stared off at the threatening vision. “Had Camille not got us to safely align with the mages. . .”

“We would have been outside of mage territory and dead tonight.”

“He was barely a day away from us.”

“And surely ready to kill us too.” My hands shook.

“I am just happy the Quiet King hasn’t stormed into these villages.”

“No.” I shook my head. “I know Nai well. He thinks we still have Phinova. Tomorrow night, he will send a messenger to try and have a meeting with us.”

Xander looked at me. “A meeting?”

I nodded. “He will want to sit down and talk with us. . .try to negotiate her return. That will at least allow us to stretch this out for a few days as we rush to train and prepare to fight.”

“And when he discovers that Phinova is truly gone?”

“We will battle like vampires have never battled before. It will be a war that many will write in the history books.”

Far out, I spotted a massive platform on the side of the battle units. It stood high in the air. My father had used one of these platforms before to see deep into enemy territory as much as possible.

On that huge platform, a bulky frame hovered above the royal battalion.

Dear Ambi.

It was a vampire king. Even in the shadow of night, I spotted the outline of huge muscles and gigantic horns.

“Hello, dear brother.” I pushed my fangs out of my gums. My battle form threatened to rush out too.

Xander’s voice grew shaky. “Can we truly beat him?”

“It is not about can. We simply must.”

“And that’s his battle form?”

“Granted, it is hard to see him from here, but I believe it is him in his form.”

“It looks like he has three horns twisting and soaring above his head.”

“Blasted brother.” I scowled. “I thought we had more time. There was word in the city that he was far out. If that was true, then he should have approached from the north of mage territory. Not here from the south.”

“Or it means he went to the castle to most likely check on Phinova’s corpse.”

“Yes.” I stiffened. “Then, he saw her gone. Your scent and hoof prints were all over his castle. He tracked you here.”

“He has many soldiers.”

“Therefore, we must have strategy and elements of surprise.” I scanned more of the area in front of us. “Once we have met him to discuss Phinova’s return and he discovers nights later that she is gone, he’ll come for us sometime during the day.”

“Do you think he knows you’re here, too?”

“Nai is more familiar with my scent than his own. We’re twins, after all. I am sure he caught my scent in his castle too.”

“The Ground Mover said that the Quiet King has never been able to pass over into mage territory before.”

“That’s what the hundreds of men in front are for.” I centered my view on the many lines of metal wagons behind the tons of flanked soldiers. “I bet the wagons have more men inside, resting and eating. The mages will burn these frontline troops or stab their hearts with sticks. While those mages are busy, Nai will come over to kill us with his real soldiers.”

“You know your brother well.”

“No.” I shook my head. “I know my father very well. These are his tactics. In the sewers, I would listen to people talk about all the past wars of the Quiet King.”