
Xander picked up his pace. “This is hard for me to discuss because. . .I have never navigated anything like it.”

“I understand that part.” I nodded. “But. . .I truly need to understand if there are more rules to this. What do you want me to do or not do from here on out?”

“Ian, I don’t think we should have more rules. Frankly. . .what I am saying is that I won’t say yes to your being with Camille, but I also won’t say no if she desires you again.”

I nodded slowly, trying to absorb Xander’s words. “I think I understand that. What I will do is look to you before I act.”

We walked in silence for a few moments. The sounds of the village faded behind us.

I looked at him. “How did you feel about last night and the moment that we all shared?”

To my shock, a silly grin spread across his face. “While I worried that you would hurt my queen with those unnecessary cocks. . .I also enjoyed her being pleasured by you. I also loved the taste of her blood, when aroused by your cocks.”

Very good. He was not hurt or uncomfortable.

Keeping his pace, I bobbed my head. “I understand that too. I always enjoyed tasting Phinova’s blood right when she came from my brother.”

Xander stared at me. “Was there ever a point in your relationship with Phinova and your brother. . .where you didn’t like him in your bed? Did you ever hate sharing her? Did you get jealous?”

“I didn’t, but I believe my brother did get jealous from time to time. In that sense, he and I are different.”

“Hmmm.” Xander continued guiding us away.

I scanned the space. “Where are we going and why?”

“You will see soon.”

We arrived at the end of the pathway and walked on to the beginning of the forest.

I thought Xander would stop there, but he kept traveling through the darkened forest.

White owls soared above our heads and loudly hooted.

Xander spoke, “Well, Ian, let’s make one thing clear.”


“Camille is my queen in every way. She belongs to me and no one else.”

I slowed my stepping forward a little. The king within me vibrated. I gritted my teeth and formed my hands into fists. It had been decades since anything stirred my king like this. He didn’t like being told that Camille was not his.

Stay calm.

Thankfully, I was also an old king now.

Slowly and gently, I tucked the hardness of my inner king away.

Be happy with what you are getting, my friend. Months ago we were blind, bony, and in the sewer.

“I won’t battle you for Camille.” Xander’s fangs pushed out from his lips. “I’ll only kill you. There will be no fight or gentle vampire dispute, no discussion or debate.”

Power rippled through my body.

Stay calm. It is okay. He is right. That is his queen.

Xander glared. “Do you wonder who would win if we battled? Who would be alive once all the blood and skin rained down?”

I had age and experience on Xander. That was true.

But Xander had no limits when it came to Camille.

His mother Queen Regina’s corpse swinging back and forth flickered in my mind.

No. I could never harm my mother over Camille.

Even if my mother had connived and stabbed Phinova, I couldn’t have killed her. Perhaps because she had raised me like a mother should and given me a big, loving family.

Xander had never received that sort of love. Therefore, if the situation presented him to be a monster, then he would.

I shook my head. “I will not debate who would win a fight, Xander. My focus is for us not to fight over Camille or anything else. You are my king. As I told you long ago in the sewers, I am here to serve you, because I have seen for many years the goodness that is deep in your heart.”

“Still, if you come between Camille and me, then be prepared to die,” Xander growled, a deep primal sound.

“Relax,” I said through clenched teeth, knowing my inner king would soon want to challenge him. “I won’t lie to you, Xander. I crave Camille, but I’m no longer a king from the ancient times. I would never kill a queen’s mate and make her mine through force. I know where I stand with the both of you, and I will obey your rules.”

“Good.” Xander nodded. “Then maybe you can touch her again. If that is what she craves.”

She will.

But I also wondered if Xander was testing me with those statements. Making sure that I didn’t argue the point or try to fight him for his queen.

Had that been some test? If so, then he has quickly mentally matured too.

I smirked. “I serve you, king, and I serve her.”

He sighed. “Good because. . .I. . .”

I quirked my brows. “Yes?”