The copper door opened.

Ian stepped out with a scowl on his face as he brushed his fingers through his hair.

I didn’t think he’d slept much during the day.

Bags lounged under his eyes.

Red tinted the whites of his eyes.

He headed my way with a grumble ripping from his chest. “What are you looking at, Xander?”

“How’s your queen?”


He passed me and went to Camille as she shook the tall mage’s hands.

Then, he is talking to her.

I jumped off the horse and followed him.

Ian twisted toward Tote and whispered something in his ear. Tote’s face faltered for a second and then he nodded, rushed to Ian’s wagon, climbed in, and came back out with a tiny wagon three feet high with two wheels on the side.

I raised my eyebrows. “What’s in that little wagon?”

“Just focus on not pissing off the mages.” Ian left with Tote pushing the wagon behind him.

When I approached Camille, she grabbed my hand and held it. “Xander, this is Spenrik and Tru. They said that they’ll be taking us into their territory.”

Tru stepped in front of me. Her nostrils flared as she inhaled. “You smell lovely, even though you’re a child of rape.”

“Excuse me?”

“They believe Ambi raped Ressi to make vampires.” Ian held out his hand to her and they shook. “Just go with it, Xander.”

“Come with me, kings.” Tru hooked her arms on each of ours, so that Ian was on her right and I on her left. “Spenrik will guide your queen.”

They are separating us. Why?

Tru continued, “Your servants and warriors can follow, but make sure they remain several feet behind me.”

Ian nodded. “I’ve already instructed our people to keep a distance of five feet from all the tribal chiefs and to kneel when spoken to.”

Tru paused, forcing us to cease walking with her. “You know our way?”

“Yes.” Ian nodded.

“Hmmm.” Tru grinned. “I like you already.”

My flesh prickled.

What is that?

Something seeped inside my skin. It was hard like tiny little pebbles. The sensation came from Tru.

She did something to me.

I yanked my arm away from Tru. “What was that?”

“I put a little bit of nature into your body.” Her brown eyes twinkled. “Just in case you’re considering sinking your fangs into me.”

“I’m not interested.”

“Are you sure?” She quirked her brows.

“I only want your help to keep my queen and her daughters safe.”

Ian cleared his throat. “What he means is that his queen is the only woman he’s interested in now. And he hopes to create a friendship with your tribe and our people.”

I frowned at her. “Do not put anything in me again.”

“Did you think we would just let you inside of our territory without some safeguard.” She flicked her index finger.

My arm rose without me commanding it.

Tiny pebbles traveled through my vein. They looked like little bumps sliding under my skin.

I gestured at the pebbles. “That’s your safeguard?”

Tru frowned at me. “It is.”

A dark chuckle left me. I thrust out my claws and ripped into my arm. A hard burning pain saturated the area.

Still, I forced myself to tear through my arm, searching for those veins.

Tru recoiled in disgust.

Several feet away, Camille drew in a long breath and looked away.

Spenrik flinched.

Ian shook his head and cursed under his breath.

I rummaged within my arm some more and with a stubborn determination I pushed past the searing pain until I felt the smooth pebbles beneath my fingertips.

Once I gathered them all, I slung the bloody things at her.

They fell to the ground.

Blood dripped down my arm. The ripped flesh slowly began to heal. “You should keep your rocks.”

Tru looked at them. “It seems someone has a temper.”

“I don’t appreciate being filled with anything but food and wine.” I glared. “You want your rocks inside of me then you’d better ask and hope I comply.”

To my shock, a loud laugh bubbled out of her mouth.

She walked forward, gesturing for us to come along. “I’ll be sure to remember that in the future.”

I glanced over my shoulder to make sure Spenrik was behaving himself with my queen. Spenrik didn’t hold her hand.


However, he did talk to her about something and pointed to the stars in the sky.

Camille noticed me watching and winked.

The urge to read her mind hit me.

I shoved it back down in the dark corner of my heart. I had to come to grips with the fact that she would never want the mental bond reformed.

Still, I missed her thoughts. They surged through her brain on a vibrant current of joy and pure bliss. Even her sad thoughts seemed soothing to me.

Tru nudged me. “Have you ever been in mage territory, Horned King?”

“Although I’ve assisted many mage in fleeing the Quiet King’s dungeons and guided them here, I’ve never stepped on mage soil.”

“Interesting.” She eyed me. “You were what vampires called a Pathfinder?”

I nodded.

She dragged her gaze over my body from head to toe. “What is the name that you were born with?”