“Quiet, Phinova.” I pulled out my metal binoculars and directed my attention at the border.

A large part of mage-vampire wars occurred here and destroyed the land.

Although my brother exhausted years in trying to cross over, he never succeeded and had lost hundreds of men each year.

The line between vampire ground and mage territory was clear.

On our side, the rough, deserted land served as the ground due to their being more ash and decayed vampire soldiers’ dust than dirt. It sunk in some places and hardened in others.

No animals existed in this area either, not birds, wild tigers, coyotes, or even vos snakes that slithered in the grimiest places like the sewer.

No sensible beasts ventured this way but us.

Clearly, Xander, Camille, and I lost our sensibilities a long time ago.

Meanwhile, on the mage’s side, lush grass grew high and leaned in the direction of the wind.

Tulips as red as cherries scattered along the field.

On our side, various scents lingered in the cool night air—the bitter odor of blue kotaki vines as they hung from battered trees and the sweaty stench horses earned from riding for a long time.

In contrast, the aroma of magic and enchantments drifted from their land whenever a breeze blew my way. It charged my nostrils and sparked against my skin.

We must get over there.

Since dusk arrived, I’d been monitoring the mage territory, waiting patiently for Xander and Camille to finish.

Surely, Tribe Flame was aware of our arrival.

Hundreds of brown-skinned men and women wearing loincloths made of wolf hair stood a mile ahead of us.

Tribe Flame commanded fire.

Therefore, balls of raging fire hovered over their heads. They were the worst tribe for vampires to approach in any manner, whether for diplomatic reasons or battle.

Vampires couldn’t heal magical burns and Tribe Flame guaranteed that a blaze would result if they believed they were being disrespected.

Leeta turned back and stared at the mages. “We should go stop Xander and Camille now. What if this tribe attacks.”

“They won’t attack right now.”

I considered the next steps.

We could have approached Tribe Stream in the west of this region or even Tribe Wind farther north.

But Tribe Flame ruled them all. They established mage law and supervised the chiefs in each tribe, making sure the chiefs didn’t squander their power or harm others.

If we convince Tribe Flame to follow us into war against Nai, all the other mages will trail behind.

I put the binoculars back in front of my eyes and assessed them.

In front of the tall men wielding flames were short men and women that stood barely three feet high.

What is this?

These shorter people held sticks and these odd dirt swords in their hands. For some, bulky boulders floated above their heads.

Tribe Rock.

Although they were the smallest ones over there, their ability to control nature’s weapons placed them in a dangerous category.

I didn’t fear their rocks or dirt, but the sticks they could propel several feet away caused anxiety to raise in my chest.

“Tribe Rock just arrived.” I continued to scan the mage flanks for the other tribes. “I’m sure Wind and Stream are either here or will arrive soon, but I don’t see them yet.”

“I’ve never met a mage, but these don’t look friendly.”

“Twenty wagons full of vampires and humans who serve vampires just approached their border. They probably think we’re here to invade.” I hadn’t planned on them being ready for us.

They must’ve discovered the news about Xander destroying the Quiet King’s castle. And if the mages found out the news by dusk, surely my brother knew by now.

Behind us, Xander roared, “Who are you to me?”

“Your queen!” Camille moaned.

We don’t have time for this. We need to be dealing with whatever chief is ruling Tribe Flame and find out if they’ll help us or not. If not, we need to run far away.

Leeta turned to me. “Are you going to tell them to stop?”

“Back in my time the easiest way to get your throat ripped away was to separate a vampire prince or king from his queen. I would’ve never considered it unless it was a serious emergency.” I set the binoculars down on a table Leeta had pulled out of her wagon. “Now is definitely the time.”

“King!” Camille moaned.

I headed over.

Dear Ambi and Ressi. I’ll have to get buckets of cold water and splash them with it before they stop.

Tote sat on the ground near the wagon and jumped up when he noticed me approaching.

I stepped around him and slid open the door. A cloud of red mist drifted out of the wagon.

Xander’s hormones.

They were drunk on them. Camille lay on her side, facing me with her eyes closed. Those succulent breasts bounced as Xander slid in and out of her from behind.

She looks so good. No wonder he’s not out here dealing with the oncoming war.

Both of my dicks swelled into erections. My breath lodged inside my throat. An animalistic hunger unfurled within my chest. My fangs exploded from my gums and ached to be inside Camille’s brown flesh. Symbols shone all over her skin.