We spent those days doing the laundry for all the women in the castle.

She just didn’t like the truth of the joke or didn’t want to admit to her twin boys that a vampire king spends most of his early days inside his queen.

“Perhaps Xander will be done in a few minutes.” I rubbed my eyes. “How many times can a king cum? Surely it’s been five times already.”

Xander and Camille’s wagon rocked back and forth under the moons’ light.

Camille’s moans ripped from the walls and tore through the air around us. The whole camp heard her cries of pleasure and Xander’s pounding into that supple flesh.

What will I do with these two?

We all stood outside of the mage territory’s border and had been waiting for the past fifteen minutes for them to come out and join us.

Dark blue sky stretched over the planet, displaying thousands upon thousands of glittering stars.

Two full moons swelled above us like massive glowing balls. It was the brightest I’d ever seen the night sky, but all ignored it due to Camille and Xander’s lovemaking.

Leeta crossed her arms over her chest. “You’d think there was no war or Quiet King coming.”

I ran my fingers through my hair, excited to have those blonde strands back. “It’s the very nature of a vampire king to take care of his queen in every way.”

“They’ve been having sex all day.”


“Octavia’s and my wagon traveled several feet behind them and still we heard Xander’s and Camille’s moans as if we were right inside.”

I spotted Octavia helping dominas out of the wagons. A rush of wind blew her long blonde hair and made her amber robe ripple. “Does Octavia know that I’m her father’s brother?”

“Yes.” Leeta looked at me. “Was it supposed to be a secret?”

“No. I was just wondering how many people you’ve run your mouth to.” I frowned at her. “Let’s make this clear. I don’t trust you anymore.”

Leeta pursed her lips together. “I’ve only told Octavia.”

“You haven’t sent messages to my brother?”

“You’re being paranoid. I have no connection to the Quiet King. I want him overthrown like everyone else.”

“You betray Xander and Camille again and I’ll do bad things to you.”

“Bad things?” Skepticism glazed over her expression.

“Yes. Bad things,” I repeated. “You’re a vampire now so each cut will heal in hours, each peeling of the skin will bring new skin to peel. Each hole that I dig in your flesh with a wooden knife will fill up for me to dig again and again, until I get bored.”

She stepped back.

“And by the way, I never get bored.”

“I had my reasons for the betrayal. Queen Regina imprisoned my niece.” Her hands shook. “I won’t be disloyal again.”

“I will decide that.”

“Since we are having this conversation.” She stepped back again. “I don’t quite trust you, either.”

“That doesn’t matter.”

“You have a spy that you send messages to.”

I quirked my eyebrows. “And who is this spy?”

“I don’t know, but I heard you talking to him or her in your wagon an hour ago.” Leeta placed her hands on her hips.

“Oh. That?”

“Yes. That.”

“I was talking to no spy.” I laughed. “I was simply talking to the dead woman I have lying next to me in the bed.”

Horror covered her face. “You think you’re so funny, don’t you?”

“When I was young, I’d planned on being a royal court comedian, but. . .things changed.”

Phinova changed it all.

Being that Nai was older than me by a minute, the crown went to him.

As the second son, I could do anything I desired and possessed a good amount of wealth to ensure I could take care of myself while I pursued my dreams. I figured comedy was the place for me, either as a royal performer or the writer of comic plays.

I would have been happy to do anything.

But Phinova came along with that taunting scent that snared me like rope around my neck and dragged me along wherever she strolled by.

Phinova’s voice filled my head. And now I’m here with you again.

I frowned. “Shut up.”

“I won’t.” Leeta glared.

“I’m not talking to you. I’m talking to the dead woman.”

Leeta shook her head. “Xander and Camille are having sex every minute and you’re taking none of this seriously. Perhaps I should join the Quiet King’s side. At least he is serious and has all his wits.”

“His wits?” I chuckled.

Nai has been listening to our Phinova for all these years. No wonder he’s covered the land in blood, slavery, and poverty.

As I guessed when I sat in the sewers for so many years, Nai was no longer my brother. He was just a shell of him—one that moved around like a puppet at the command of a corpse.

And I feared I’d be listening to her for even more years if I didn’t figure out a solution soon.

I’m not dead, Phinova shrilled into my head. I just need more mage blood. Once I’m fed, we can make love.