Why did she want him inside here?

Rage bubbled through me.

Is she planning on breeding with him?

I’ll kill him right as he steps over the threshold! I’ll spray his blood all over the room! And then I’ll take her right there! I’ll fuck her on top of his body, so she will know never to push me too far!

Leeta whispered, “I don’t think that’s a good idea, Camille.”

Camille let out an exasperated breath. “Why not?”

“He’s carrying a dead woman in his hands. The corpse from the Quiet King’s bedroom.”

“His first queen?” Camille edged back. “Uh. . .Don’t worry about that. Let him in.”

The door closed.

Camille turned to me, stepped a few feet forward, and adjusted the sheet so it covered more of her. “Xander, why do you have your claws out?”

Because you’re about to flaunt your lover in front of me.

I retracted the claws and stalked around her. My hooves banged against the floor.

Clop. Clop.

Panic spread across her face, but she remained where she stood and formed her hands into fists.

Clop. Clop.

I picked a feisty one. She’ll never stand down, even when she’s supposed to. I’ll have to teach her.

“Xander, what are you doing?”

“Who is he to you, queen?”

“Ian is only Ian to me.” Her bottom lip quivered. “Nothing else. Why don’t you go into the bathroom and put a towel on or—”

Within seconds, I picked her up, slung her on the bed, and got on top of her. “And what will you do with him when I’m gone?”

A sharp point pierced my stomach. The bite of her dagger burned into my flesh.

I cried in pain, “Ah!”

When did she grab it? Where did it come from? She’s so fast now. She got to that dagger too quickly.

“Get off of me and I’ll remove it.” She pushed the dagger deeper into me.

Dark blood spilled out.

I bellowed. “Ah!”

The door crashed open behind me.

“Holy Ambi!” Ian yelled. “What are you both doing?!”

My breathing raced. My heart staggered. A tear spilled out of my eye and dropped onto her cheek. “I’m sorry.”

She closed her eyes. “Climb off of me and I’ll remove it.”

Why did I get on her like this? Why did I? What is going on with me?

Movement erupted behind me.

Ian placed his hands on my shoulders and helped me back enough where the dagger didn’t cause more damage.

”Let go of the dagger, Camille,” Ian ordered.

She trembled. “Not until he’s off the bed.”

I gritted my teeth and climbed away. The dagger glided out of my stomach. Inside my core, veins stitched back together. Blood singed. The wound, little by little, healed. I knew I’d be fully recovered by next dusk.

“Don’t ever grab me like that again.” Camille wiped the wooden blade off on the sheet she wore with shivering hands and scooted farther to the end of the bed.

I’d given her that dagger over two weeks before to learn how to protect herself from vampires.

How ironic that she had to use it on me.

What is wrong with me?

I turned to Ian, full of embarrassment and shame.

Until, that is, I spotted the corpse he clutched in his arms.

What in Ambi’s name?!

When Ian grabbed and pulled me away, he must have put her down, but once he released me, he must have quickly returned her to his hold.

Ian stared at my hooves. “Why are you in your battle form?”

“Why are you holding a corpse?”

“Her name is Phinova.”

Dear Ambi and Ressi together. Is this my future? A deranged vampire clutching his only love? Is this what I could be?

“I’m sorry.” It seemed like I’d been apologizing all night. “Why are you holding Phinova?”

Ian frowned. “It’s a long story, but not as significant as to why the Quiet King’s castle is soaked in blood and death, or why most of his dominas and royal guards are resting in your sewers, or even more significant. . .why in the moons’ god’s name are you still in your battle form?”

“Does it matter?”

“Yes!” He spat the word out in disgust. “That form is madness formed of flesh. I barely shift into the form unless I’m faced with an emergency so dire I may die. How long have you been like this?”

“Not long.”

“Several hours at least.” Camille edged off the bed and stepped Ian’s way.

My claws exploded from my fingers.

Does she think she will be breed with him, right in front of me?

Ian held his hand up to her. “Stay there, Camille.”

I leaned my head to the side. “You command my queen now?”

“No.” Slowly, Ian laid the corpse down on the carpet next to him. “I thought it would be better if she stayed next to you.”

My heart boomed in my ears. “Good.”

Ian glanced at my hooves. “Could I suggest something, king?”

“She is mine.”

“I know.”

“You better.”

“You should change back.”

“Because it causes you fear to be near so much power.”

“Yes.” His cheeks twitched as if he were laughing inside of himself.