“N-no.” I shivered.

Before I could look back, he flipped me around. I lost my balance and fell backwards.

In a blur, he spread my legs apart and lapped at my clit, fast.

“Oh!” Ecstasy quaked through me. “Oh! Xander!”

And then he did an even more shocking thing.

He pierced the mound of my pussy with his fangs.

I screamed, and didn’t know if it was from pain or pleasure. Ecstasy or terrifying shock. I was no longer in my body. I floated somewhere else. Levitated. Unable to truly see through the blinding light of a million suns exploded all around me in shockwaves of hot ecstasy.

Xander flicked those fingers against my clit, toying with the wet bud and driving me further to orgasm. Setting my body ablaze.

“Oh!!! Oh!!!”

And still he drank from my pussy.

“Oh!!” I whimpered. “Oh! Oh!”

I had no sense of reality. No idea of time or anything but his fangs and his fingers and the pleasure. The pure earth-shattering bliss. The spinning of my existence.

Finally, I didn’t cum. I unraveled. I broke apart into a whirlwind of pleasureful color. Twisting and spinning. Tumbling and flipping.

The only thing that anchored me was his voice in my head.

Our love is eternal, my queen.

Chapter 1

The Royal Court


It was time for answers.

The next night we stood at the castle’s entrance in disguise—Victoria, Ty, Leeta, Ian, Xander, and me.

A vampire royal guard studied us. Brown straps wrapped around his whole body. A crimson cape hung from his shoulders to his feet, and a huge red-and-brown feathered hat sat on his head.

He raised his eyebrows. “And you all are?”

“We’re the entertainment, of course. I’m Tyson the Incredible, the leader of this group, and best juggler in all the land.” Ty clapped his hand twice and did a twirl. He wore a silver leather mask with a brass nose that jutted a foot out and held tiny bells on the tip. His costume was silver with white stars.

“And the rest of these people behind you?” The guard didn’t appear impressed with Ty’s two-second performance. “Who are they to you?”

“My musicians and assistants, of course.” Ty gestured to us. “They’re employed to help me keep the queens and dominas laughing.”

We all wore black masks that had silver triangles decorating the space for the foreheads and cheeks.

Form-fitting full body leotards draped Victoria, Leeta, and I. they shimmered against our forms.

Xander and Ian’s masks were silver and brown. Additionally, they wore baggy costumes similar to Ty’s.

Victoria had come up with the plan to imitate entertainers. Since she’d been on the castle’s management staff, she knew the queens constantly ordered performers to come to the castle and almost always forgot to notify the guards.

“Entertainers?” The guard smirked as if he didn’t believe us. “Have one of the others perform something.”

We’d been prepared for the guard to test us and had practiced several acts just in case. Victoria believed mine was the best one, but Ty was ready to juggle next if I couldn’t convince the guard.

Stepping up in front, I hummed and sang out a slow tune my mother used to sing to me as a child on cold winters’ nights, “Two moons decorate the sky, shining on those that are low and high. Seek truth in the golden sun, but the moons don’t just pass by—”

“That’s enough.” The guard held up his hand and sniffed in my direction. “You have a lovely voice.”

Yes you do. Xander’s voice sounded in my head. Will you sing for me tonight when I’m inside of you?

I turned my head to him.

If you can get sex off of your mind for a few seconds, then yes.

Xander grunted in response.

“Are you taken, sweet bird?” The guard tapped me on my shoulder. “You smell divine.”

“Yes, she’s taken.” Xander’s wooden dagger appeared at the guard’s chin within seconds.

Oh no. Stop it.

Ty jumped next to Xander before the vampire could do anything further.

“I’m sorry, sir.” Ty patted Xander’s shoulder. “She’s my youngest daughter and this is her very protective big brother.”

Xander didn’t step back.

Ty gave him a nervous smile. “As you can see, he’s young and very foolish.”

“This is your youngest daughter?” The guard’s attention remained on me as if he couldn’t care less that a knife was at his throat. He probably figured Xander was no challenge for him.

“Yes, sir.” Ty bobbed his head and tugged Xander back. “I have two daughters. She’s the baby.”

In Capitol City, the youngest daughter and son were expected to remain at home to take care of their parents until their death. Therefore, most young children never truly courted or married until they were pretty old and their parents were gone. It was even frowned upon to show a romantic interest in them. People saw it as tempting the young ones away from their familial duties.

“You’re a very lucky man.” The guard sighed. “Carry on then.”